matlab - Splitting a string into various bits -
I have a string that looks like this:
substring = 'Xmole (1) = 0.0xmole (2) = 1.0 arho (1) = 2343rho (2) = 2343 '
I need to split it into:
Xmole (1) = 0.0 Xmole (2) = 1.0 rho (1) = 2343 rho (2) = 2343 Is this an easy way to do this
If your number is always in the form of your example, that is, the number and possibly a decimal point (and for example "1.0e-3") Not in):
ind = regexp ( Pastring, '= [\ d.] +', 'End'); Results = MAT 2SL (Substring, 1, [IND (1) Difference (Ind)]). '; variable result Each cell has a cell array with one string: result = 'xmole (1) = 0.0 '' Xmole (2) = 1.0 '' rho (1) = 2343 '' rho (2) = 2343 '
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