XPages - get value of a textarea inside a dialog - Part 2 -
Follow with my previous question: I've been unable to get a handle on text input in textarea that is inside a XE: Dialog XE: After the dialog the "pop up" button is pressed Here's my code:
& Lt; / XE: Dialog & gt; Unfortunately the line document is 1.getValue ("InputTextBox5"); SetJobReferenceStatus does not work on the function rather than the value contained in the field and passes "tap". Any idea why this code is not working?
remove instant = "true" your eventHandler From Every event supports two options to bypass validation (see more information). Note that in the counter, the eventHandler includes the attribute assignment disableValidators = "true" . This map for "Process data without valid data" option, while instant = "true" maps on the "Validate or Not Update Data" option. When this second option is used, the event runs without moving any update for the data model (i.e., the document), which is why the value of your edit box is null , even if the user has populated a value. If you change instant = "true" with disableValidators = "true" , then your event will still run without triggering any verification failures, but the data Any value in the model will contain the user population in the editing box.
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