swing - Looping Music in Java -

I am trying to get this program to loop in the infinite song, but I have only done it once Has been successful. Any advice?

  public static zero music () {string filename = "dark green wave"; Continuous periodontalstream loop = faucet; InputStream Inn = Null; {In = new FileInputStream (filename); } Hold (FileNotFoundException ex) {System.out.println ("File not found"); } {Try the new audio stream (in) of the audio stream; AudioData MD; AudioPlayer.player.start (s); } Hold (IOException pre) {System.out.println (ex.getMessage ()); }}    

You are not using the loop variable Are there. Try it out like this:

  audiostream s = new audio stream (in); Audiodeeta audidadata = s.getData (); Loop = new continuous audio data stream (audiadata); AudioPlayer.player.start (loop);    


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