android unable to start Component Info -
I have this logic error that this activity can not start ..
04- 25 17: 51: 54.889: e / AndroidRuntime (1238): process: com.mobilebasedtexttosignlanguageconverter, PID 1238 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: e / AndroidRuntime (1238): java.lang.RuntimeException: activity unable to start ComponentInfo {com.mobilebasedtexttosignlanguageconverter.mainActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): ( June 195) 04 -25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): ( 2245) on 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRun time (1238): On .access $ 800 ( 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): On $ H.handleMessage (ActivityThread .java: 1196) 04-25 17:51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): d.os.Handler.dispatchMessage on Android ( 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime ( 1238): 04/07/1953: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238) on android.os.Looper.loop ( ( ** 017) 04 -25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): .invokeNative on java.lang.reflect.Method (basic method) 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: E / Android time (1238): at java.lang. reflect.Method.invoke (Methdkjawa T-15) 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: e / AndroidRuntime (1238): $ ( 04 -25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): .zygoteInit.main ( lesson9) on 04.01.2011 at E / AndroidRuntime (1238): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main (Original Native method) 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: e / AndroidRuntime (1238): java.lang.NullPointerException 04-25 17: due 51: 54.889: e / AndroidRuntime (1238): com.mobilebasedtexttosignlanguageconverter.MainActivity.onCreate ( 04-25 at 17:51: 54.88 9: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): at ( 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: E / AndroidRuntime (1238): on (instrumentation Java: 1087) 04-25 17: 51: 54.889: e / AndroidRuntime (1238): (on ) Here is my main activity .. @ override protected zero creation (bundle savedinstenstate) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); If (savedInstanceState == zero) {getFragmentManager () BeginTransaction () .add (, new placeholder fragment ()). Commit (); } Button Kanph = (button) Find VibibIID (RBTN_con); // button insta = (button) find VVBIID (RID BTN_ins); // button view = (button) ViewById (; // button ext = (button) FindById (; conv.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {@Override public void onClick (View arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub effect conv = new Intent (MainActivity.this, ConvertSubMenu.class); startActivity (silver);}}) ; @ Override Public Boolean On Crate Option Menu (Menu Menu) {// Expand Menu; It adds the item to the Action Bar if it exists GetMenuInflater (). Fluo (R. menu menu, menu); Back true; } @ Override Public Boolean On Option Itam Select (menu item) {// Handle action bar item here clicks the action bar will automatically click on the Home / Up button, so long as you // in AndroidManifest.xml Specify basic activity. Int id = item.getItemId (); If (id == {return true; } Return Super.Options item selected (item); } / ** * A placeholder piece containing a simple view. * / Public static class PlaceholderFragment piece {public PlaceholderFragment () {} @Override public view onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, bundle SavedInstanceState) {See rootView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.fragment_main, container, extends wrong) ; Return root view; }} Please help me I am just installing the latest Eclipse and I have a problem with Android's updated SDK Manager because it is new to me .. < / Div>
My guess is returning FindViewById null . Make sure you have a button with id btn_conv in your layout
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