objective c - Storing email in keychain impossible (KeychainItemWrapper) -
I'm using ARCified version KeychainItemWrapper, and I can not get email it and passwords to both store
key icon Itemvepr * key Icons item = [[key Itamwapr Olok] initWithIdentifier: @ "myApp" access group: @ "MY_APP.com.yourcompany.GenericKeychainSuite"]; [Set used the key object: [own Kmel Detaupyoging Encoding Anstif 8 string encoding]: (__ bridge ID) Kessiattiattiarakount]; [Keychain Itam Set Object: To Self Password: (SVVAdata of __Pull ID); I work perfectly until I store an email ... which is not signed (@). Otherwise, I get an error
failure to failure *** - [Key Itamwapr Liknatokekecn] *** without invalidating the exception of 'Afais' Ansaiaianaianaiannistensi Akspasn', because: 'Keychain item could not be added. ' which comes from those lines
Result = Add Sekandaitam ((__ bridge Siafaksaarafarafaraf) [Spi Dikshnussiaitiamformet: Chaichen Itamdata], NULL); NSAssert (Results == NoRR, @ "Could not add Keychain item."); text "itemprop =" text ">
Okay, I got the answer after the advice on the page, which is
[set the key chip object: for "mappestring" id) kSecAttrService]
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