java - No class 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy33' was registered - BadRequest on GAE endpoints -
Suddenly, Google App Engine (JAVA) finishing points started throwing me at: I implemented the endoweuse method from the Android app in this way. Class I: You can see, the hash area is too long a. Could this be the reason? I do not think that's it. The string in GAE is limited to 500 characters, and this hash is only 250. In addition, I can use a lot of hash in every app in every app, and this is the only problem ... The cause of the problem I am using Objectify: Obviously I can not provide a single collection and a single unit at once, I have decided: 400 Bad Request {"Code": 400, "Errors": [{"Domain": "Global", "Message": " Java.llegalArgumentException: a class' com.sun.proxy. $ Proxy33 'was registered "," Reason ":" badRequest "}," Message ":" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: no class' com. Sun.proxy $ Proxy33 'was registered "}
CollectionResponseRPlayer response = endpoint.checkResult (gameId, answer, hash). Execute ();
gameId is
tall , and
answer and
hash are
to preview what values have been passed in
gameId ,
answer The execute () line is stopped on the I code> and
hash why this data may be incorrectly requested are:
GameID = 8113932860298394396 Answer = "KCMR" hash = "D3C04148ACD9A166E6DBD0268D76AC39CB6C7CEB4B056522522B3551EA28830AFGF129DD89AB4CD6F7375526C796DE031450DF32611ACA1FEB904AB4ECCC3D7CD15CB267F38F10BAE1951RTBBDD3EC110005D67ED82FC5C8EF4E74F F5363D858AFCCAE4EF0A078FB550E833FD527B54 "
Off (). Save () Entities (player, user);
ofy (). Save () Entities (players); . Ofy () save () unit (user).
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