How to get the content of the "Favorites" folder for any OS, if it has any, in Java? -

I have a cross-platform Java application and give me << Code> OS < / Code> favorite for the folder, if there is any.

How can I get this property in Java ?

Downvote, here's what I mean:

Windows File Explorer Favorites:

 Windows File Explorer Favorites

Mac OS File Explorer Favorites:

Mac OS File Explorer Favorites

Windows Explorer to Favorites HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ User Shell Folders \ Favorites .

is stored in the registry, Apple Finder is stored in the preferred file ~ / library / preferences / . Note: This file can be in XML or Binary format based on OS version (10.0-10.4 uses XML, 10.4 has introduced binary format, 10.7 allows JSON ).

There is no easy way to access these resources in Java.


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