How to get the content of the "Favorites" folder for any OS, if it has any, in Java? -
I have a cross-platform How can I get this property in Downvote, here's what I mean: Windows File Explorer Favorites: Mac OS File Explorer Favorites: Windows Explorer to Favorites is stored in the registry, Apple Finder is stored in the preferred file There is no easy way to access these resources in Java. Java application and give me
<< Code> OS < / Code> favorite for the folder, if there is any.
Java ?
HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ User Shell Folders \ Favorites .
~ / library / preferences / . Note: This file can be in XML or Binary format based on OS version (10.0-10.4 uses XML, 10.4 has introduced binary format, 10.7 allows JSON ).
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