firefox - JavaScript memory assignment -

I am running on an issue where I compile values ​​and values ​​in different arrays in an object, But only the final iterations are value savings in different parts of the object.

Here in the picture, I have given minimum and maximum values ​​in the console.

Enter the image details here

Then I can use that value Which can be stored in my array before going into my use.

Enter image details here

Is it around Is there any way? In the second picture, these values ​​are used which ends, and it prevents me from proceeding.

EDIT: Loop I am using for assignment: prefix for (var i = 0; i & lt; partition; i ++) {var Cellobject = new object (); CellObject.minX = WatchBound Minute [0] + box langam *; Cell object.mxx = [0] + boxlandi * i + boxlength; For {var j = 0; j & lt; partitions; j ++} {cellObject.minY = sceneBounds.min [1] + boxwidth * j; CellObject.maxY = [1] + Boxwidth * J + BoxWith; (Var k = 0; k & lt; partitions; k ++) {// index index = height * width * k + width * j; Var index = partition * partition * k + partition * j; CellObject.minZ = ViewBound Minute [2] + box-height * k; CellObject.maxZ = [2] + BoxHigh * K + BoxHigh; CellObject.objectList = []; Cellar [index + i] = cell object; }}}}

It is not entirely clear what you are asking , But it seems a case of reference sharing.

Note to:

  a = b = {}; A.x = 7 console.log (bx); // 7   

or equivalently

  a = {}; B = A; A.x = 7 console.log (bx); // 7   


  a = {}; B = {}; A.x = 7;     


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