Coffeescript best way to var -
I was trying to find a good way to do I would not expect I think this is just a rotation of parser. Common ways variables have been declared, they are defined with some default values (eg. Null). var , and here's one. Is it intentionally in
cs , because this is not a document?
me =; FetchUser () Then ((_m) = & gt; me = _me fetchFriend ()) .then ((_ you) => me.friend (_you)). Then (done) .otherwise (= & gt; console.log ':' ')
var me; me = fetch user () Is then compiled correctly (then the function (_this) {return function (_me) {return me} = (return) ();}}}} () ()). Then ((function (_this) {returns) Function (_you)} Returns me (_you);}}}}} (it)). Then (done). Otherwise ((function (_this) {return function () {return console.log (':(' Edit this: It is not correctly compiled.
me = FetchUser () Either, but I did this I did not see first
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