The controller for path was not found or does not implement IController with nopcommerce -

I want to display went product category most visited home page by category using the plugin.


  ProductMostviewedController.cs: [ChildActionOnly] public ActionResult CategoryHomepageCategorywiseMostViewedProduct (? Int CategoryID, integer productThumbPictureSize) {var categoryProduct = _productService.CategorywiseMostViewProduct (CategoryID); Var Model = PrepareProduct Display Model (Category Products, True, Truth, ProductTiperscias) .Oolist (); See Return ("../view / List / Category Template. ProductsWorked Orline CSSM", Model); } [NonAction]   

I already CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

  code @ Html.Action ( "CategoryHomepageCategorywiseMostViewedProduct write "," ProductMostviewedController ", new {classid = Model.Id})   

but I got an error:

 " network error: 500 internal server error   

Please tell me what's wrong?

Thank you in advance.

  @ Html.Action (" CategoryHomepageCategorywiseMostViewedProduct "," ProductMostviewedController ", new {CategoryID = model .id})   

I Tumh "ProductMostviewedControlller ", which should actually be " ProductMostviewed " (without the word Controller )



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