mysql - Export localhost Sql and import it on Server gives me errno 150 -

My suggestion is wrong with some foreign keys, but I'm not getting a signal.

Error while importing SQL:

  Add an optional table 'claim' contract 'FK_66 A8F1231 B7B 246A' foreign key (`purchase order_id`) ) Order the purchase of references (`id`) on the delays case, add the contract 'FK_66 A8F 12372 94986C' foreign key (` article_id`) reference 'paragraph' (`id`); # 1005 - The table can not be created '. Databasename # SQL-5 c7_568c0 '(errno: 150)   

I also checked the terms of the answer to this question

but I could not make a mistake.

No estimates


  CREATE TABLE `Article` (` Id` not integer (11) NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar (255) utf8_unicode_ci zero impedance,` number` int (11) NOT NULL, ` Currency` tinyint (1) not NULL, `price` double not null,` tolerance` integer (11) no null, primary key (`id`)) engine = InnoDB default charset = UTF8 match = utf8_unicode_ci; - ------------------------------------------------- ------- table `Claim` (` Id` int (11) nOT nULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `comment` create LongText juxtaposition not utf8_unicode_ci nULL,` purchaseOrder_id` int (11) default zero, `visible` tinyint (1) nOT nULL, `Lek_aidi` eT (11) default nULL, primary (` Aidi`) KEY Aidiaks_66 A8 F 1231 B 7 B 246 a '(' call Ordr_aidi`) KEY Aidiaks_66 A8 F 12372 9 4 9C (`article_ID`)) engine = indoide default charge = UTF8 collet = utf8_unicode_ci; CREATE TABLE `Purchaseorder` (` Id` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `date` datetime NOT NULL,` state` int (11) NOT NULL, `supplier_id` int (11) default zero,` delivery_id` integer (11 ) default null, pRIMARY KEY ( `Id`), Kunji` IDX_AA004F112ADD6D8C` (` supplier_id`), Kunji` IDX_AA004F1112136921` ( `delivery_id`)) eNGINE = InnoDB default charset = UTF8 reactance = utf8_unicode_ci;    

Your table name is buyorder
- ------------------------ ^ ----------- ^ Alternative Table ' Add the claim Add contract 'FK_66A8F1231B7B246A' foreign key ( `buy 'Ordr_aidi`) references Men` purchase order' (` Aidi`) Diliit Cascade, contract or 'Fke_66 A8 F 12372 9 4 9 8 9 C' foreign key ( ` Article_ID`) reference '`` `ID`;


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