Javascript not requesting permissions from Facebook -
and not the error when trying to use the stuff that is outside the current permissions, but just return the user id Has been ...
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: '12345myIdHere', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); FB.Event.subscribe ('auth.authResponseChange', function (response) {if (response.status === 'connect') {testAPI (); console.log (response);} else {testLogin ();}} );}; Function Test Login () {FB.Blogin ({Scope: 'User_States'}); } Function testAPI () {FB.api ('/ me / permissions', function (response) {console.log (response);}); FBP ('/ m? Field = status', function (feedback) {console.log (response);}); } The response shows that only the original permissions have been given and that in my app settings as a user also shows that there is no additional permission in the app < / Div>
found this ... This is bug in facebook ap ... if xfbml is true set to true object object If ignored, set permissions on the login button or use your own login button and false to XFBML Change switch to.
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