Insert text to cursor position in rich:editor when click button by Javascript -
I use javascript to insert some text on cursor position in You can see this clearly in this picture: This code is: If I change the function This line of code shows by whenever I change the text from is not the editor You should use the Javascript API to handle just a simple text component, where available. $ ("# {Rich: Customers ID ('Editor')} "). Element, value = component. TMC_editor.gate content (); To set the content, use rich: editor , But this is not
change With the
h: input text then it works fine. When I debug in Firefox with
firebug , I can not get
: editor .
value as
undefined :
var value = val. GetValue ();
"# {chuc_vu}" ), so that it is empty text Via Firebug). How can I include text in
rich: Editor
document.getElementById ("# {Rich: clientId ('editor')}");
setContent () . Note that markup should be in the text, which means your
ccccccccccccccccccc will be
& lt; P & gt; Ccccccccccccccccc & lt; / P & gt;
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