android - API used to call receiver app in VideoBrowserActivity -
As everyone knows that Google has launched a new API for Chrome-cast which is public < P> So while developing it for Android, they have given some sample codes on Github.
While reading the Android app, he has clearly mentioned that we need to create a But the uploaded app is not making an API call about launching the app, launching the receiver app and creating a client (or maybe I do not know about the API to call the receiver file So I'm having trouble writing my own app so can someone tell me how this part is being done or someone can give me another way to do this and I That app's Can Caflau explain ?? Note: Videos I want to do uses a sample app, which is a library project, which enables developers to make cast capabilities fast and easy in their applications in their applications. GoogleApiClient to launch the receiver file on Chrome-Cast and then we connect it can do.
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