python - Blender 2.7 MacOS console error -
I am using Blender 2.7 on my Mac (OS 10.9.2) and the console will not open correctly. If I open, I get a new terminal window, but it is full of a mixture of legible and obscure characters like "Å ?? Ë ?? a ?? Ë ?? a? ? & Amp;; A ?? A ?? H__PAGEZERO__TEXTÃ ?? A ?? " Any print statements or error logs from Blender will not be logged, either
EDIT: I am also new to the terminal and / to use "open blender" Was trying / ingredients / macros directory: p. If you type "./blender" from the parent directory, then it works fine.
If anybody can be wondering what is happening or what is the difference between typing "./filename" and "open filename", then it would be horrible.
Different resources of Blender need to be run, which are located in binary form in the same folder , It starts with the current working directory to find them when your work starts up Blender
In the terminal you are typing the command, there is a sequence (defined in the path variable) where the command is searched, prefixing the command with The open command is to open an editable file in an appropriate editor, it seems that it can be handled with the terminal, except the new terminal will start with your home directory, except Blender It will be unable to detect resources. It has been a few years since I used OSX but it is trying to run Blender binary as a shell script. Either way open runnab binaries are not handled and it has not been designed. The difference is that You can find a lot easier to create an apple note that tells the terminal to change the working directory and start blender. It can be easily saved as an application that you can start with Finder. Which I think will be untested - And if you want to have Python output when you run your script, you can try it - it allows you to run the script in Blender's Python console to capture the output. When you blender special with dragon scripting Specific assistance to Ask ./ Instead of asking for it to run the command in the current work directory instead of searching through the path list.
open blender is like saying that you want to edit the file, but
. / Blender is actually running an application from the command line.
script the application "terminal" "CD / Applications / Blender / / Contents / MacOS & amp;
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