javascript - How to set up a var to link different stylesheets based on data entered in the var -
I want to draw a different style sheet based on manually recorded Var, how can I do this? and shortly I can list every possibility ... you varDivision = "" // Total number of sets in your league varTeams = "" // Enter the total number of teams in your league if 1 Link to Division 5 teams If this is 1 stylesheet "URL", then 1 Division 6 teams link to this stylesheet "url", if 2 divisions 10 teams link this stylesheet "url", if 3 divisions of 12 teams If the stylesheet links to "URL" then "url"
& lt; Link / & gt; ;
& lt; Head / & gt; element in section
$ ('head') .Find ('* [Data-Dynamic CSS = "True"]'). Remove () .append ($ ('$' and 'links rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" data-dynamic css = "right" />') .attr ('href', 'your stylesheet Url '));
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