ios - UIRefreshControl not showing indicator or title? -
Drag to refresh by using But when I pull a table widget, neither the activity indicator or title appears, yet the Edit: I'v tried the Last solution: For table view background I Refresh pointer and title were hidden behind And it resolves my problem too thanks to Balram Tiwari , if you still have a problem, then see her answer. Actually you keep your refresh controller in table ridge, but it's behind the navigation bar. (Different, looks correct), this is the catch, When you are using code in iOS 7, by default So your tableview is actually starting from there. So to get rid of it, you specify Then it should be visible. Hopefully helps. UITableViewController itemprop = "text">
- (zero) viewDidoadload {.....////// ********* Drag to refresh ****** ***** * / UIRefreshControl * Refresh = [[UIRefreshControl alloc] init]; Refresh.attributedTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @ "pull to refresh"]; Refresh.tctColor = [UIColor magentaColor]; // [Add Self-Taille View AddSubwayview: Refresh]; // [Self. Refresh controller set enabled: Yes]; [Refresh addTarget: Self-Proceeding: @Sillector (Pulatourfaces :) Control Events: UI ControlAventWalls]; Self.refreshControl = Refresh; } - (Zero) Pulatourfaces: (Eurefreshus Control®) Refresh {[Fresh Start Arfreshing]; Refresh.attributedTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @ "Refreshing .."]; [Self loaded retent activity]; }
pullToRefresh is called and the latest table. My app supports iOS7.0 + . What am I missing?
[self.refreshControl setEnabled: Yes]; and
[self. Refresh power set enable: Yes]; As mentioned in my edited code, but there is still no luck, how does this happen when my refresh pulls me to refresh -
UIImageView * ImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] was using initWithImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "background.png"]]; Self.tableView.backgroundView = imageView;
[self.tableView setBackgroundColor: [ UIcolor Color Withpartan Image: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "background.png"]]];
UIViewController (
edgesForExtendedLayout ) takes full screen means that (0,0) will start from the top left corner, under the navigation bar.
viewDidLoad for
edgesForExtendedLayout for your
viewController .
If ((The answer to yourself is Tselectel: @Selector (expanded layout for edges)) self EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
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