ios - How to distribute IPA via Windows Intune -

I'm wondering how to correctly sign and distribute IPAs by Windows Input.

I have a specific bundle / app ID with a home-based profile and an IOS delivery certificate. I use this provisioning profile while collecting an IPA file. I sign in and package for enterprise ad hoc deployment. I get .ipa and .plist files as expected, and uploading them for Windows integration. Everything looks fine yet

When I log in to the Windows Internet Company Portal and choose to install the app, it fails. I get the following log statement:

  Installd [61] & lt; Information & gt ;: 0x255000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing the application [bundle id] Installd [61], error & gt;: Eligibility is not allowed by 'Keychain-Access-group' pricing profile provision '' Installd [61] ] The name of the & lt [home delivery profile]; Error & gt;: 0x255000 verify_signer_identity: MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo /var/tmp/install_staging.mgjx9o/foo_extracted/Payload/[app name failed] .app / [app name]: 0xe8008016 of Installd [61] & lt; Error & gt;: 0x255000 do_preflight_verification: /var/tmp/install_staging.mgjx9o/foo_extracted/Payload/[appname] .app Could not verify execution on Installd [61] & LT; Error & gt;: 0x255000 install_application: preflight application could not install installd [61], error & gt;: 0x255000 handle_install_for_ls: failed in API   

What is the real problem here And how can this be resolved?

This is a PhoneGap 3.2.0 app where the app is generated using phonegap build ios . I'm using Xcode 5.0.2 and the device I'm installing the app on, is running iOS 7.0.4.

[] by me

I am successful in distributing IPAs. I tried to run the app on a new iPad device when Xcode first tried to add the device to the iOS Dev Center account and team.

Initially, he said that the request to add the device was pending. Then he started giving me an error message. The first dialog is stated as follows:

  There is no provisioning profile that matches the Team ID "[Team ID]" and the bundle identifier ???? [Bundle id] a ???? Found. Xcode can solve this problem by downloading a new provisioning profile from the member center. After trying to fix this issue, he said:  
  An error in creating a team provisioning profile for [APP ID]. Had happened. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact Apple Developer Program Support. Https://   

This led me to check the Team ID, which was wrong for some reason. I searched the disc for both Team ID and App ID and found the wrong team id in both project.pbxproj file and file [projectname] .xcent .

Later in the file, the team ID + bundle id was given the value for the dictionary key keychain-access-groups , which is part of the error message in this question.

I changed the team id in three places in two of those two files and reapply the app. Suddenly everything was working. :)


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