ios - Finding the range between two numbers (objective-c) -
I am trying to write some code like this: "Earned money: 200 $ - 500 $" I have the first multiplication Done (float * 0.002) and now I want to add (float * 0.005) to be able to show the least amount I earned and the amount of the most earned money. Here's what I have done so far:
float number = [viewsHere.text floatValue] * 0.002; Result.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "$% .2f", numViews]; I would like to add a 0.005 multiplication and with an estimate, I would like to print both the results at the same time ...
I know that this question is understandable There is a problem but I can not get help anywhere thanks.
float numViews = [viewsHere.text floatValue] * 0.002; Name numViews2 = [viewsHere.text float value] * 0.005; Result.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Money earned: $% 2.f - $% 2.f", numViews, numViews2];
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