how to obfuscate android library project step by step -
I have been facing a problem for a long time and Android Android is not an Android app, I have an Android Progress GUI But I am unable to use jars after being obscured.
Please give me a step-by-step guide or any link where this problem is already fixed.
Thanks Advance ..
Save it as progonf.txt and proguard Open the GUI as a confiuration file and replace the input and output jar space. Also process the ifoid.jar locations and support if necessary, support.
- Enzers 'Bishwash / Eclipse Kepler' - Reverse Bashards / Android-SDK-Macaux / Platform / Android-18 / Android Learners 'Bishwash / Eclipse Kepler / Android-work / uxcam_lib_new / libs / android-support-v4.jar' -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers -printmapping mapping.txt -dontusemixedcaseclassnames- Departments exceptions, inner classes, signatures, deprecated, sourcefiles, linenumbertables, * annotations * , Encling method - Contemporary name -MremonSourceFileLiteTrrrrrrrrrbSourceFile -Certification -class -classmail class class * Extended (static last long serial VERSIONUID; personal static last BjectStreamField [] Serial Presentantfield; Private Zero Writing Object (; Private Zero Read Object (; Java.lang.Object writeReplace (); Java.lang.Object readResolve ();} # - Keep all public and protected class, fields and methods in the library. * Keep public category * {public protected & lt; field & gt;; public safe & lt; methods & gt ;;} Also keep - Enumeration specially static methods Keep those who need # classes in the calculations Land. -keepclassmembers enum * {[Public Private **] values (); Public stable ** valueOf (java.lang.String); } # Keep name - Basic method name. Name all the original classes / method. The member along with the maintenance, allows the class * {native & lt; Methods & gt; } # Keep name - _ class method name all. Name the class method. This can be useful #for libraries, which will be obscured again with different optics - CKCEMBBERS, flipping class * {java.lang.Class class $ (java.lang.String); Java.lang.Class class $ (java.lang.String, boolean); } -CimanoSideFifferent class android.util.log {public static *** D (...); Public Static *** e (...); }
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