hadoop - How to plot Rule based Decision tree in R -
I am just starting from R and I have difficulty in plotting a rule based decision tree in R < / P>
The problem is, I already have an output from Hop Mepadus and it is in the form of a simple text file. Now I want to use this output from Hadoop and want to represent it under R. The output file looks like this Is there any way that I can represent something in this graph in R, in some way Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks < P> package 1 overcast Yes 1 rain 3 Strong number 1 rain 3 weak Yes 1 Sunny 2 High number 1 Sunny 2 General Yes
'rpart' This is a package for recurring division and decision trees. The following help file
? Rpart can be obtained directly from function
expand.grid You may have access to anything here.
& gt; Example (RAPT) fit & lt; - RAPT (Cfosius ~ age + number + start, data = kyphosis) Fit 2 & amp; Lt; - RAPT (Cfosius ~ age + number + start, data = keyphosys, parameters = list (pre = c (.65, .35), partition = "notification")) fit 3 & lt; - RAPT (Cfosys ~ age + number + start, data = kiposis, control = RPRPR control (CP = 0.05)) equal (MFRO = C (1,2)), XPD = NA otherwise the text is cut on some devices (fit ) Text (fit, use.n = TRUE) is the plot (fit2) text (fit2, use = n = TRUE).
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