python - Biopython Iteration over FASTA doesnt work? -

Im a newbie in the field of programming and I am trying to understand the structure and logic behind the dragon loop. Will anybody please explain to me, why does not this work: Import the GCC from bio-import from CCIO i = 0 record = CQO.Red (open ("group %% d.fasta"). ,% I: Print GC (Record.sec) i + = 1

The above code generates the following error for the "FASTA" record:

  IOError: [Errno 2] is not a file or directory: 'group_% d.fasta')    

You have string formatting tho Ha is wrong.


  record = CQO.Red (open ("Group_% d. Fasta"), "Fasta")% i   

should be:

  record = CQO.Red (open ("group_% d.fasta"% I), "Fasta")   

I can move that thing with the statement in the statement to make sure that the file is actually closed correctly. Open ("group_% d.fasta")> Record = CQIO.Red (Fasta, "Fasta") with / html>


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