php - Error xsl during installation propel_generator by pear -

I'm in install 1.7.0 via Wax in Pulp. Currently:

  PHP v 5.4.16 - libxslt v 1.1.27 - libxml v 2.7.8 - libxml2 v 2.7.6 Apache v. 2.4.4 Mikes v. 5.6 .12 log v. 1.12.7 ft v. 2.7.0   

When you try to install propel_generator:

  Pear channels- Find pears .Propelom ORG Pears installed propell / propell_generator   

I get an error:

  requires a PHP extension for the propell / propell_generator "xsl" No valid packages were found Installed failed  < / Pre> 

Someone tell me why? View active modulus xsl in phpinfo

I found three config files: php:

C : \ Wamp \ bin \ apache \ apache2.4.4 \ bin \ php.ini:

  extension = php_xsl.dll   

C: \ wamp \ Bin \ Php \ php5.4.16 \ php.ini:

 ; Extension = php_xsl.dll   

C: \ wamp \ bin \ php \ php5 4.16 \ phpForApache.ini:

 ; Extensions = php_xsl.dll   

Check out Active PHP extensions when in vom. Is this normal behavior? What should we do to make changes manually? Do these three files need the same version?


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