objective c - Expandable UIView in ScrollView in iOS -

How can I do my UIViews for Expandable / Compact UIView embedded in ScrollView. Enter image details here

 Enter the image details here

This is my main approach and when the user taps on the button, the view automatically changes (+200 height) And the ideas given below will automatically adjust it so that the scroll view

Edit: I think I can not use TableView because I am creating an automation form like this  Enter the image details here

So my idea is that whenever the switch is on, the label will be added to the parent's child The form of the trigger acts as the email form and the switch duties.

There may be a modified version of the Aquarian view, you can get some ideas

All the tableviews have a collection view on the ScrollView, so if you have the time then you can create the full functionality

  1. For yourself in four simple tasks: on a scrollView completely To attract external listings in the form of customizable views
  2. HandBlenfoExpandingUnteral Just: Decide to expand or stop the scene.
  3. Draw Innerlist: Scrollview
  4. Handlutenphone Expanding Inherial: To draw an internal list as a completely customizable view: Decide to expand or close the view.
  5. Html>


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