c# - I Cannot Access My Service From Remote Computer -

Please guide me to solve my problem.

First of all, let me explain your program.

I have created a service for balance check (i.e.) if you are input as an account number, the web service will return the account balance.

Note: My client application has been developed in the Windows Store app.

My webconfig file is as follows:

  & lt; System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Service name = "account balance" & gt; And lieutenant; End Point Contract = "IQquatebillance" address = "AccountBillance" Binding = "Basic Httbidding" & gt; & Lt; / Endpoint & gt; & Lt; Endpoint Address = "Account Balance / MEX /" Binding = "MaxHTPBinding" Agreement = "IMDATDAXchange" & gt; & Lt; / Endpoint & gt; & Lt; Host & gt; & Lt; BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; BaseAddress = "" /> Add & lt; / BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; / Host & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; Behavior & gt; & Lt; ServiceBehaviors & gt; & Lt; Behavior & gt; & Lt ;! To avoid disclosing metadata information, set the values ​​wrong before deployment - & gt; & Lt; ServiceMetadata httpGetEnabled = "true" httpsGetEnabled = "true" /> & Lt ;! - To get exception details in the flaws for debugging purposes, set the price below to true. To avoid exposing exception information, set it to false before deployment - & gt; & Lt; The services included in the debugging include exceptions = DishialInstine = "false" /> & Lt; UseRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress & gt; & Lt; DefaultPorts & gt; & Lt; Add scheme = "http" port = "8081" /> & Lt; / DefaultPorts & gt; & Lt; / UseRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress & gt; & Lt; / Behavior & gt; & Lt; / ServiceBehaviors & gt; & Lt; / Behavior & gt; & Lt; ProtocolMapping & gt; & Lt; Add binding = "basic HttpBinding" scheme = "https" /> & Lt; / ProtocolMapping & gt; & Lt; Service Hosting Environment ASPnet Compatibility Enabled = "True" Multiple SiteBindingsEnabled = "true" /> & Lt; /system.serviceModel>   

I can use the service from a local computer. When I put it on another machine, it is not working. Returns an error:

There was no endpoint on http: //: 8081 / AccountBalance.svc / AccountBalance which could accept the message. This is often a wrong reason ....

I do not know a lot about config if something is wrong, please tell me.

I hosted my service in IIS.

  • Both systems are in the same network.
  • Any configuration I have to do in IIS?
    1. Tried with the system name instead of the IP.

      What could be the problem? I have found more number of related threads here but none of them help me.

      There are some things that are not talking about safety.

      Edit 1:

      I was pumping .. Using WPF application I am able to use the service remotely. Why I am not able to use the Windows Store app. One ?? People help me rapidly by breaking my head at the store app:

      Answer :)

      Simple, Private Network (Client End Server) This is located on package.appmanifest->; Capabilities :)

      Be sure that you have private network (clients and servers) ) Capacity declared in your app manifest.

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