Android drawable icon not appearing on 4.4.2 -
I have an Android app on the Play Store (Rally Nights) and it has just been brought to my attention that the Drawable Icon The overflow is not showing in the button, however the text is showing properly everything looks fine on 4.3 and I do not know what the difference might be when I debug using an emulator, this menu item Sets the icon and does not make any exceptions . I have tried to find out in hours that there is no benefit. Again, it works in older versions, but this icon does not display in 4.4.2 (KitKat). It crashes even on some 4.4.2 phones, although I can not get it to crash on the emulator.
I have a target set 19.Miverson = 11;
& lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "11" Android: targetSdkVersion = "19" /> I am also going to include the menu button which I have to see that it helps.
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" & gt; & Lt; Menu xmlns: Android = "" & gt; & Lt ;! - Will always be in overflow - & gt; & Lt; Item android: id = "@ + id / menu_drink_specials" Android: title = "@ string / drink" Android: icon = "@drawable / added" android: showAsAction = "never" /> & Lt; Item android: id = "@ + id / menu_food_specials" Android: title = "@ string / food" Android: icon = "@draubable / added" Android: showAsAction = "never" /> Android: Android: showAsAction = "never" /> Android: Android: showAsAction = "never" /> & Lt; / Menu & gt; Has anyone else been involved in this problem? It seems weird that it works so well in other editions and does not make any errors.
Thanks for your time, Mike
Are you certain that you have Are there icons shown in the overflow menu next to the item? It is not intentionally allowed:
It seems that there are many hacks to do something like this work. Maybe you are using one of them and this is happening due to your accident.
However, if you want complete control over it, it is best to expand and expand the layout you want. You can then create a 'fake' overflow button in the action bar and configure the popup window to display below it.
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