python - How can I stop Firefox from hanging after clicking a link? -

itemprop = "text">

Webdriver Python binding v2.39.0 firefox 27.0 (but the issue is also reproduced with Firefox 'latest', Firefox 26.0 and Firefox 27.0)

In the code below, the execution hits () for a link on a certain page, the browser is hanging. If the script is killed with Ctrl + C in Terminal (windows), the browser hangs out if it is left on your device, then the browser will hang indefinitely.

I'm not sure that I have permission to post HTML for the problem page but I can be able to communicate it with my team.

This very code is used to work completely with the same element which is now causing problems. I was suspicious that there was something to do with upgrading the auto firefox, but downgrading has not solved this problem (please see the section I've tried for more details and things about the things I've tried) Def wait_and_click (obj_id, timeout = global_timeout, locator_attribute = 'id'): print ('wait for' + obj_id) obj = WebDriverWait (driver, timeout) .until (EC. Element_to_be_clickable ('eval' ('+ locator_attribute', obj_id))) print (" () about the object to click about "return" (about "wait_and_click") to return obj

Things I've tried:

  • Manually issue this issue (a browser hangs)
  • Downgrading to different versions of Firefox and trying to uninstall all extensions
  • Copy skipping when problem is tried obj_id problem element - do not hang the browser (but sk Repeat does not go anywhere: P because something needs to be clicked)
  • On the page, try a more conventional webdrover for any element and then find_elem ent_by_xpath - Hang the same browser Li>
  • Try to find the element based on a different attribute (try to use LINK_TEXT, also tried via XPATH - there is no difference) and then Find different links of Only one page - Hang the same browser
  • Tried to find links on different pages of the same web app - no browser hangs
  • Attempting to save the source of the page in which Link and th page included link points I got to open the webdeveloper's local copy of the page and click on the problem link - the destination browser was not opened

    Hey, such a frustrating thing Adhan is -. It seems that this was due to the Skype toolbar that was automatically installed with the latest Firefox upgrade

    It's worth noting that it will not go away easily if you go to Firefox Are - & gt; Extension, it only allows you to disable it. You have to go to 'Programs and Facilities' and uninstall it from there. After that, it worked like a charm!

    FFS Microsoft !!


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