javascript - Bootstrap tooltip lazy load with delay and show -
I am currently using the following code to start the slown initial version of the bootstrap tooltip. After the first hover, everything works fine in relation to the delay, but it just shows on the initial hover I know that it is Try triggering usage Try the following code $ (this) .tooltip ('show'); is due to the method, but I do not know how to use the delay at the same time and show me the
$ (this) .tooltip ('show'); , because once I do not show the elements, I see the tooltip until I exit and do not go back.
$ (element) .on ('hover', '.item', function () {matchup = ko.dataFor (this) .outup; if (matchup) {if ($ ( This) .attr ('data-original -' '=' ') {$ (this) .tooltip ({title: matchup.Title, html: true, delay: 1000}); $ (this) .tooltip (' Show ');}}}); Updated E) {matchup = ko.dataFor (this) .McPop; if (matchup) {if ($ (this) .attr ('data-original-title')! = '') {$ (This) .addClass (' Tooltip-init ') .tooltip ({title: matchup.Title, html: true, delay: {show: 1000, hide: 0}}). Trigger (e.type);}});
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