C: return matrix from a function -

I am trying to run the following code in DEVC ++ v5.5.2 The following error is "Return from Incompatible Notification Type" Another error related to the heading "Return Arrival" title file shows the "Incompatible Type" double complex "when specifying to type" double complex "result in line [0] [J] = circularsoft (AR) ; "

Please thank in advance

main.c c

  enter code here # include & lt; stdio.h & gt; #s & Lt include; from conio.h & gt; #to & lt; stdlib.h & gt; #include "complex.h" #include "shiftcheck.h" #define size 6 double complex * circular shaft (double Complex ARE [1] [size]); zero performance (double complex ARR [1] [size]); int main () {int no, i, j; dual complex (* result) [839], * result 1; Double Complex ARR [1] [SIZE] = {2,3,4,1,8,9); Printf ("\ n" How often do you want to make the circular transfer to the array Do not want? \ N); scanf ("% d", & amp; none); for (j = 0; j & lt; no; j ++) result [0] [j] = circular shaft (arr );   

/ This error goes away when the line above is executed -> Type 'double complex' to type incompatible types For 'Double Complex' '* / (i = 0; i <;; i ++) {printf ("% .2f +% .2fi \ t ", Carel (result [0] [i]), semag (result [0] [i]));} printf (" \ n "); Getch (); Return 0;}

The title file is as follows

  # include & lt; Conio.h & gt; #include "complex.h" # Size 6 zero performance (double complex ARE [1] [size]) Define; Double complex * circular shift (double complex arr [1] [SIZE]) {Double complex temp [1] [1]; Temp [0] [0] = arr [0] [SIZE-1]; Int i; // put the last element in the temporary variable (I = SIZE-1; i> I>) // to move each value to the next value so that a hole is initially [0] [i] = Arr [0] [i-1] can be made in]; // Changes to values, index 0 [0] [0] is not changed [0] [0] = temporary [0] [0]; // display (AR); Return AR; / * Error in this line from "Incompatible Notification Type" * /}    


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