assembly - Why my code doesn't run? -
I am doing my best to know why this code has not been run. VS Express 2010 announced that "PDB file can not be found or can not open", and "myname.exe has turned on a breakpoint" any help, please!
; This program calculates 5! .386 MODEL Flat. Stack 4096 .Data Factor DeWire? .Code _start: mov eax, 5 mov EBX, 5 sub EBX, 1 mul EBX sub EBX, 1 mul EBX sub EBX, 1 mul EBX sub EBX, 1 mul EBX mov div, eax public _start end
There is no end to your code. There is no return statement at the end of your function. There is an instruction for termination assembler, it does not generate any code. Assembler will fill the rest of the code segment with the int3 instructions, in order to instantly provoke someone in case of breakpoint obstruction tries to execute code outside a valid code block. To fix your code, it would be best to create a stack frame around your function.
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