scala - Testing MultipartForm with multiple file inputs. -

I am using Playframework 2.1 with Scala. I want to test my function, I have input files in the part of the view. I Image and Music I am completely able to test only the music file, but when it comes to testing both of them, please java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Getting: 1. I think the problem is defining multipartformfilesdata. I tried to make a list of filesystems Val data = new multipartform data (map ("checkbox" -> gt; cec ("test-1"), "track mark" -> Seek "test-1"), " ("Test-1"), "Track Artist" - & gt; Sik ("Test-1"), "Trebbital" -> Seek ("Test-1"), "TrackLabel" -> Seac ("Test-1"), "Relieastist" - & gt; Seak ("Test-1"), "ReleaseGener" -> Seac ("Test-1"), "RelationsShack" - " Seq ("test-1"), "releaseelabel" - & gt; cec ("test-1"), "selection" -> gt; sq; "gtc: suffix =" "& gt; 1 ")," format "" ("bit ("Content-Type: Multipart / Form-Data"), "TrackJen" -> Seek ("Test-1"), List (File Part ("Content-Type: Multipart / Form-Data"), Play API Some files ("imagefile", "image file"), forphpariat (new Java .o file ("/ tmp / pepe.txt")), "music file", "music file" ("content type: multicast / form-data") Play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile (New ("/ tmp / pepe.txt")))), list (), list ())

We can test it as before One is filirates, the second one is missing Filepa RTS, the third is a bad fileperts


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