c++ - QML view wont update when adding a new item to a QAbstractListModel based model -

I have learned how to tie a model from a QML view to QAbstractListModel.

But the next thing I'm tired is not working. If a new item is added to the model, the QML view will not be updated. Why is it like this?


  class data objects {public: data object (Consteststrst and first name, constaste string and last name): first (first Name), last (last name) {} firstestustustring; Final Caststring; }; Simple listload H   
  class SimpleListModel: public QAbstractListModel {Q_OBJECT enum / * class * / roles {FIRST_NAME = Qt:: UserRole, LAST_NAME}; Public: SimpleListDodel (QObject * Parent = 0); QVariant data (const QModelIndex and index, int role) const; Q_INVOKABLE int rowCount (const QModelIndex and parent = QModelIndex ()) const; QHash & lt; Int, QByteArray & gt; Role name () cons; Zero addName (QString firstName, QString lastName); Private: Q_DISABLE_COPY (Simple LISTODODEL); QList & LT; DataObject * & gt; M_items; }; SimpleListModeel.cpp   

  Simple LISTODELL :: Simple LISTODODEL (QObject * Native): QAbstractListModel (Parent) {DataObject * first = new data Data object (casts ("FirstName 02"), Caststring ("LastName 02"), Data Object * Third = New Data Object (Caststring) - Object (Custastring ("Firstname 01"), Qestring ("Last Name 01"); ("First Name 03"), Caststring ("Last Name 03"); m_items.append (First); m_items.append (second); m _items.append (third);} QUSE & Lt; Int, Cubitarere & gt; Simple LISTODELLO :: ROLLAME () CONST {QUSE & LT; INTER, CUBIETAIRRE & gt; Roles; Roles [/ * Roles :: * / FIRST_NAME] = "First name"; Roles [/ * Roles :: * / LAST_NAME] = "Last name"; Return roles;} Simple SimpleListModel :: addName {DataStat firstName, QString lastName} {DataObject * dataObject = new DataObject (first name, Last name); m_items.append (dataObject); emit the data (this-> Index (m_items.size ()), this- & gt; Index (m_items.size ())); } IntimateListributeDellet :: Pantikota (Const. Qmdile Indexes and Construct) Returns M_tes. size (); } QVariant: SimpleListModel :: Data (const QModelIndex and index, int role) const {// --- return tap variant if index is invalid (! Index.isValid ()) back to QVariant (); // --- check bound if (index.row ()> (m_items.size () - 1)) back to QVariant (); Data object * dobj = m_items.at (index.row ()); Switch (role) {case / * roles: * / FIRST_NAME: return QVariant :: fromValue (dobj-> earlier); Case / * Roles: * / LAST_NAME: Return QVariant :: fromValue (dobj-> Final); Default: Return QVariant (); }}   


  Class AppCore: Public QObject {Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY (Simple ListModel) Simple SimpleSmart Read, Simple LISTODODEL Constant) Public: Clear AppCore (QObject * parent = 0); Simple Listsmodel * Simple LISTODODEL () CONST; Public slots: zero addName (); Private: Simple Listsmodel * m_SimpleListModel; }; AppCore.cpp   


  AppCore :: AppCore (QObject * guardian): QObject (parent) {m_SimpleListModel = New SimpleListModel (this); } SimpleListModel * AppCore :: simpleListModel () Const {return m_SimpleListModel; } Zero AppCore :: addName () {m_SimpleListModel-> Adnem ("first name new", "latestname"); } {/ Code>  


  int main (int argc, char * argv []) {QGuiApplication a (argc, Argv); QQuickView * View = New QQuickView (); AppCore * appCore = new AppCore (); QRegisterMetaType & lt; Simple Listsmodel * & gt; ("Simple listmodel"); See- & gt; Engine () - & gt; Root contact () - & gt; Setcontext Property ("Epcor", Epcor); View-> SetSource (QUrl :: fromLocalFile ("main.qml")); View-> Show (); Back a.exec (); }   


  // ... list view {id: myListView anchors.fill: Guardian Representative: MyDelegate Model: appCore.simpleListModel} MouseArea {anchors.fill: Parents onClicked: {appCore.addName () console.log ('rowCount:' + appCore.simpleListModel.rowCount ())}} // ...  < 

Before you start the call, Enter End End SimpleListModel :: addName (CastString First Name, Last String Name) {Data Object * Data Object = New Data Object (First Name, Last Name); // Tell Qt what are you going to be startingInternetRO (ModelIndex), M_Items. size (), M_Items. size ()); // do it m_items.append (dataObject); // tell qt you are ending; } <2> These 2 functions throw all the necessary signal


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