Angularjs-ui-router: How to activate default views on app start up? -

I currently have 2 states in my app. Each app has multiple views. I want the state to activate the app when it starts Ho. Right now, when the app starts, I only get the link. Then I have to click any link to activate any state. How can I rule by default opened?

conflicts of states

  var app = angular Modules ('dategenie', ['ui .router', 'ui.bootstrap', 'geographic location', 'ngidale', 'infinite scroll']); App.config (['$ stateProvider', '$ urlRouterProvider', function ($ stateProvider, $ urlRouterProvider) {// for any mismatched url, redirect on / urlRouterProvider profile. Otherwise ('/'); // now set Up states $ stateProvider.state ('profile', {views: {mainModule: {url: '/ profile', templateUrl: 'partials / profile.html', Controller: 'ProfileCtrl'}, rightPane module: {templateUrl: Partials / location.html ', Controller:' LocationCtrl '}}}) .state (' profiles ', {views: {main module: {url:' / ', template url:' partial / home 'html', controller: HomeCatal '}, Chat Module: {templateUrl:' partials / chat.html ', Controller:' ChatCtrl '}}}})}}); (Ui-sref = "profile") profile (ui-sref = "profile")   


  Logout div (ui-view = "mainModule") div (ui-view = "chatModule") div (ui-view = "rightPaneModule")   

First of all, your URLs must be outside the declaration object.

How will your profile status look like:

  .state ('profile', {url: '/', view: {main module: {templateUrl: Partial / home 'html', controller: 'homecatalog'}, chat module: {templateUrl: 'partials / chat.html', administrator: 'ChatCtrl'}}});  Note:  I'm not sure that this is still a legitimate concern, but I keep all my names in quotes. If memory works right to me, then there were some effects with the UI-router before it - it is not certain that it still applies  

Secondly, you need to make sure that you have HTML5 pushstate enabled if you want routing to take an active status on "/" Otherwise your 'root' will be "/ # /"

Here are some code in which you can call a push-status.js file;

  app.config (['$ locationProvider', function ($ location provider) {back to $ locationProvider.html5Mode (true);}]);   

When you stumble on errors with client-side routing, it is very useful that I get my issues raised from PushState idesparencies (hence it is very good to toggle and close it). Is the benefit when debugging)

Hope you have a good luck :)


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