How to add additional variables in yii url -

I am working with the Yii framework and I want to implement all kinds of different "url" button I am trying. My first plan was to only add variables to the URL, where the "Create PDF" button is linked:

  'url' = & gt; Yii :: app () - & gt; Request-> GetUrl () '& Amp; Pdf = true ',   

and it works fine on all links except that when I enter the site directly like: in that case there is no index in the URL Is not .php, so the button link is unusable because it looks like this:

What is there Yii's adding variables in the URL Or do you need to check manual?

you can add your parameter) CMap :: mergeArray ($ _ GET, array ( 'Pdf' = & gt; 'true')) and

for the original parameter and use the Yii :: app () - & gt; CreateUrl or your controller's createUrl function:


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