apache - Disable/off Expires headers htaccess -

I tried to finish the header first but my site is always updating, so I can put my finished headers in the htaccess file Put. So now we can not get instant updates from web browsers so this is very dangerous for my site. Now I want to disable it, how to do it and if someone helps me fix it on my site my site TV episode sites Therefore always update and update the CSS also. Here's my .htaccess code

First of all give me a password to disable the code

I like our web site (TV episode site) per second Let's fix this code. On our site)

/ .htaccess

  & lt; IfModule mod_expires.c & gt; # Expire the expiration # End the directive of the Directive Direct Defaults "Access Plus 1 Month" # My Favicon Expiry Time Type Image / X-icon "Access Plus 1 Year" # Images Finish Type Type the end time of image / GIF "Access plus 1 month" image / access plus 1 month "Exposure Beta type image / JPG" Access plus 1 month "time expires type V / JPEG "Access Plus 1 Month" # CSS Exposure Beta Type Text / CSS "1 Month Access" # Javascript Excerpt Beta Type Application / JavaScript "Access Plus 1 Year" & lt; / IfModule & gt;  <  

I was also looking to solve this kind of problem < / P>

The only solution that was worked was setting the date up to 1 minute:

  # css Explorer biipat text / c SS "access plus 1 minute"    


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