javascript - Get all elements of a select tag -

I have two choices-multiple lists and I have to get all the elements of the correct list, if they are selected or No .

Just let me know what's going on in my code

You will see that I will only get back the data that has been selected which I am An attempt to do that forms the form with all the elements of the correct selection list.

Note: $ ('. SubmitForm'). Click (function (e)) Required I can create a new function to do this and then click on $ ('. SubmitForm'). Click (function (e)) but it will create an extra step in the process

So my question is actually if I in any way correctly create a new function for this box Without the right selection can get all the data from the box. And without changing the $ ('. SubmitForm') (Function (e)) which is being used by 8 different forms.

Update On a second thought, I do not think I can click on $ ('. SubmitForm') Click (function (e)) from a new function so that additional problem arises

Add an onclick event to the 'Save' button:

  & lt; Button type = "button" class = "btn btn-success deposit form" onclick = "listbox_selectall ('d', true);" & Gt; Save & lt; / Button & gt;   

It will be called before your jQuery Event Listener.


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