How to resolve the issue modal confirm dialog not working twitter bootstrap datatable sorter? -
I've added a column for the delete option (with confirmation) to delete the record in each row of the DATAT. The dataset page, when I do not click the deleted icon in the second page of the datalet, which is not working. Please help me to solve this problem
Here I tried the code.
& lt; Table class = "table table-stripedatable" id = "example" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; State & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Options & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ query = mysql_query ("SELECT id, state from state_list"); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ query))? & Gt; & Lt; tr class = "odd grade X Order-delete" id = "ordrrow- & lt ;? Php echo $ row [ 'id'] ;? & Gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt ;? Php echo $ row [ 'State'];? Gt; & lt; / td> gt; td class = "center">
It looks like .order-delete $ ('order-delete'). Click (function (e) { to
$ (document) .on ('click', '.order-delete', function ) { What happens to each click on this page, and then filter them by their class.
This also applies to Ajax and single page sites. Very useful.
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