
scala - Writing /public directory in PlayFramework after deployment to production -

PlayFramework 2.2.x में play dist उपयोग करने के बाद मुझे / सार्वजनिक निर्देशिका। क्या यह एक ज्ञात समस्या है? क्या वैश्विक पथ के साथ किसी अन्य निर्देशिका को पढ़ने / लिखने का एकमात्र उपाय है? यह मेरा नमूना कोड है: val imageDirectory = "images / twitpics /" val localPrefix = "/ Public /" val publicPrefix = "/ assets /" val files = Play.getFile (localPrefix + imageDirectory) .listFiles.filter (_। GetName.takeRight (3) == "जेपीजी") val randomIndex = _rand.nextInt (Files.length) val imageFile = files (randomIndex) इसके अलावा निजी val _jsonConfigFile = "/public/data/data.json" def लिखने JsonToFile (सामग्री: स्ट्रिंग) = {आयात pw = नया प्रिंटवायर (Play.getFile (_jsonConfigFile)) pw.write (content) pw.close} सार्वजनिक / निर्देशिका के बाद आवेदन जार में पैक किया जाता है, जिसे कक्षा में डाल दिया जाता है, ताकि आप एक्सेस न कर सकें यह फाइल सिस्टम के माध्यम से या इसे लिखें।

Opencart and VQMOD issue: Could not load controller in vq2-system_engine_controller.php -

I am using Opencart and VQMOD 2.4.1. I have installed the Ewe Rapid 3.0 extension now and at checkout, I get this error: Notice: Error: Controller payment / EVE could not be loaded! On line 47 trigger_error ('Error: Could not load controller'. ($) At $ ($) ... \ vqmod \ vqcache \ vq2-system_engine_controller.php in line children! '!'); I'm not sure whether this is anything with the VQMD or EVE extension. How to fix this? Steps to try: Check if you have a eway.php in the list / controller / payment folder Verify the square name of that file: Class Controller Payment and Controller { . Check file permissions. It's a good day!

java - Android - Change class variable before onCreate -

I am new to Android development On my main activity I have this button: And here square (without importing) that is calling above intention intent. Enhances public class testing activity {static string text = "test"; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_test); TextView mTextView = (TextView) Find ViewById (; MTextView.setText (text); } Public Zero change text (strings) {this.text = s; } @ Override protected zeros newly created (intent to intent) {super.onNewIntent}; String [] array = intent.getStringExtra ("method"). the division (":"); If (array [0] .equals ("changeText")) {changeText (array [1]); }} @ Override Public Boolean On Crate Option Menu (menu menu) {getMenuInflater (). Flood (R. menu. Test, menu); Back true; }} Actually I want to know if it is possible to change the value of string text , onCreate () . Basically each but...

python - Does tuple sort itself when looped through -

I have a tube that has many values ​​that I use to search for some files. I found this method as an input method. I try to search for that value (text) in a file and remove the related result. But I have a requirement that if that text is not found, then search for the 'unknown' value in that file and return the corresponding values. To achieve this, I am planning to add Tupal to 'Unknown' so that if it does not get anything, then it will be something like the 'Unknown' Will return But my question is, if I suppress 'unknown' at the end, looping is used in the same sequence while looping through this tube, in which the elements have been added? I tried to open the python and saw that it hides through it in the same order. But I do not want to accidentally search my code for the 'unknown' value before the intended ones. help please. Looping on Tupless always goes from the first element to the last. & gt; & Gt; & Gt...

internet explorer - SVG in IE Quirks mode -

The following mode modes are browser modes: IE9 Compatibility View Document Mode: Quirks I am displaying a svg in IE > SVG is not provided. Is it possible to present SVG using this mode? This depends on the IE version you use and the type of query mode. We start with obviously: IE8 and earlier do not support SVG, so obviously they will not give you SVG mode in QuarkX mode. IE9 supports SVG, but the reason for this quirks mode is to disable it (along with many other features), and thus the answer is still "no" for IE9 The Quirks mode is effectively designed for backward-compatibility mode to emulate IE5. Most features are disabled after IE5 when you are in Quirk mode. By the question, it seems that you are using IE9, this is the case, the answer is 'no', and you can stop reading now. IE10 and IE11 are slightly different, in this they have two separate quits mode, the old quirks mode is similar to the first, so SVG will not work with it. But the n...

c - Mpirun hangs when mpi send and recieve is put in a loop -

I was trying to use the program to use mifrewan on 4 node clusters. Distributing node 0 data in nodes 1, 2 and 3. In the program, from '90 'to variable values ​​of' dior 'to be calculated. Therefore the node is distributing data and collecting results in an omitted fashion (for different values ​​of var 'dir') when do {*******} Whereas (dir Loop is given, Mippun is hanging, and no output is found. But when I comment on two {*******} (dir The loop output is obtained for the initial value of variable dir dir = -90 ), and that output is correct. The problem occurs when the loop is given. Can anyone help me in solving this problem. #include "mpi.h" int main (int argc, char * argv []) Float dir = -90; Int rank, nanoprakash; MPI_Status status; MPI_Init (& amp; argc, & argv); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & amp; Rank); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & amp; numprocs); If (rank == 0) {/ / data to begin / / (dest = 1; dest ...

c# - ExecuteScalar: Object reference not set etc -

Friends, I need some help. This is my first time developing an app that has DB, please consider, please Forgive my mistakes I am trying to get the boolean value from the database and if it is to apply another loop on it ... but it is throwing the "object reference not set" error on the ExecuteScalar function. Here the code is: - string sql = "// here is my SQL query"; String connectionstring = "// here is my connection string ..."; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (connectionstring); SQL Commands Command = New SQL Commands (SQL, Connection); order. Connection = connection; Connection.Open (); Bool ev = (bool) command. Exclute form (); If (ev == true) {MessageBox.Show ("some error"); } Other {// some code} What am I doing? Support will really be appreciated. Regards. Probably query reverse tap. Try this: bool? Ev = (bool?) Command. Exclute form (); If (ev.GetValueOrDefault (wrong)) {MessageBox.Show (...); } ...