
Showing posts from July, 2012

javascript - How to set width of a retrived using jquery from some -

I have a table from which I am getting from all rows and according to the given input, in some order I am settling. Now I need to change the width of something, I can do it using jquery, new to jquery. This is what I have done // This loop is inside a function where the column is the array $ ('Tablerow'). Each (function () {var tr = $ (this); var td = tr.find ("td [id $ =" + column [i] + "]"); // current state of & lt; td & Gt; Treat column [i] "status" td.remove (); // from current status & lt; td & gt; // here & lt; td & gt; td tr.append (td); // There is a need to change the width; Is there anything like a setweed (?) I do not think it is only a var. Please advise some logic that I Can help. You can use the method They are td.width (200)

freebase - MQL Query Help Required: Getting aliases of episodes from a season MID -

I'm trying to catch their surnames of 351 and season - "/ m / 07mx74h", but when I Using the query, it returns only non-zero values, while I also need those records which are zero. PFA question and tell me how do I get all results for 351 records. Thanks in advance! MQL query: [{"Id": "/ m / 07mx74h", "/ tv / tv_series_season / episodes": [{" "": {{"Value": null}]}]}] Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I'm not sure that I fully understand your question, but if the goal is included in the episode, in which there is no other name, You can use: [{"id": "/ m / 07mx74h", "/ general / subject / alias": []}]}] Internal text value returned by default , So you do not need inside curly braces.

Writing white-space delimited text to be human readable in Python #2 -

I want to write a 2D numerical array in a human-readable text file format. I had asked this question before but it only specifies the number of similar places to be associated with each element in the array. In it all the elements are localized with 10 spaces. What do I want in my array to have different places for each column. For example, I want 7 places for my 1 column, 10 spaces for my 2 column, 4 spaces for my 3 columns, etc. What is the similarity to numpy.savetxt (file name, x, delimiter = ',', fmt = '% -10s'), but instead of'% -10 ', click'% -7s,% -10s,% -4s' etc. Where? Thanks Here's an example of how it might look (Python 2 & Amp;; 3): l = [[1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,6] for the row in line: Print (U ' {: & Lt; 7} {: & gt; 7} {: ^ 7} {: * ^ 7} '. Format (* line)) 1 2 3 *** 4 *** 3 4 5 *** 6 *** formatting options & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Is taken from '{: & Lt; 30} 'format (' Left Allia...

android - list of java mqtt brokers and its scalability in windows -

I want to receive push notifications in android. I do not want to use GCM for some reasons and therefore started working with MCTT. I am currently using the Makquito MTT Broker. I need to know the limit of the number of client connections that the Mkvity Broker can handle on windows? I need a Java MCTT broker and I've got a hvmq and a kick. Is there any other HivMQ only allows 25 connected clients simultaneously and so I do not want to use it. I need information about using Moquette and how much scale is it on Windows? Thanks in advance! Expect some quick and clear answers .. Thanks again. It is noteworthy that the hvmq is not restricted only 25 concurrent connections now and if you do not get full license Want to see if Hewmq fits your scalability requirements (benchmark your own scenario to verify!), A pay-by-licensed license is available:

How to Use Chaining Translation in Unix -

I want to translate the word "abcd" to the upper "ABCD" using the tru command if the "ABCD" Example 1234 for example I want to combine two translations together (using lower case in upper case, then upper case up to 1234) and piping the final output more. I'm not able to chain the second part. echo "abcd" | | Tr '[: lower:]' '[: upper:]' & gt; File 1 Here I'm not sure how to add another translation into a single command. You can not do this in a single tr command; You can do this in a pipeline: "ABCD" echo. Tr '[: less:]' '[: upper:]' | Note that your [: less:] and [: upper:] notation will translate more than abcd to aBCD in comparison with. If you want to expand the mapping of the digits then map A-I to 1-9 , this is possible; What are the maps for 0 ? If you want to do this in a single command, you can write: echo "abcdABCD" | Tr 'abcdAB...

html - JavaScript form validation without alert -

HTML फ़ॉर्म & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt;! - jQuery (बूटस्ट्रैप के जावास्क्रिप्ट प्लग इन के लिए आवश्यक) - & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt;! - सभी संकलित प्लगइन्स (नीचे) शामिल करें, या व्यक्तिगत फ़ाइलों को आवश्यकतानुसार शामिल करें - & gt; & Lt; script src = "js / bootstrap.min.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पृष्ठ-हैडर" & gt; & Lt; h1 संरेखन = "केंद्र" वर्ग = "हैडर" & gt; ऑनलाइन प्रवेश फ़ॉर्म & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; form role = "form" method = "post" name = "sign_up_form" परसमिट = "वापसी मान्य फॉर्म ()" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कंटेनर...

Should I use c: or d: on azure VM? -

I have a blue VM and I can see two drives c: and d: (say temporary storage). Both drives allow me to create project folders and use them from Visual Studio. I would like to know which drive I got, which is a reliable drive I should use - is anyone thinking? Thanks PL C: \ drive comes with VM, which That's 127 GB, now nobody else. So this is the root volume and the OS is also installed here, so it is possible that 127GB-40GB can use 70 GB of free space so broadly. C: \ - Cost: Any additional cost, computation fee comes with D: \ It is said, it is not stable and when you stop and start the machine, then this volume will be recycled. This drive operates at very high speeds, it is good for temporary file storage etc. You can also use it for logging, if you need to continue those logs, you can run a background job to push it to blue blob or accessories etc. / P> D: \ - Cost: No additional cost, comes with calculation fee E: \ F: \ g: \ h : \. .. etc. All c...

jquery - Navigation Vertical Sliding menu -

In my website, I want a vertical slide menu that slides up and down and when fitting / fade it happens. - I'm new to jquery (center vertical slider menu) and do not know the steps to get this. Please help me find it. This is a simple tutorial that tells you how to create a vertical slider from scratch You may need to tune a bit to add fade-in and fade-out effects. Happy coding :)

c++ - How to go from absolute path to relative path? -

I am making a small program to help in reading the file. I have to take command from a command line in: for (i = 1; argc> i; i ++) {QString path = QDir:: Current Path () + "/" + Caststring (argv [i]); QDir dir (path); FileSearch (dir); } From there, I say another method where I look at each file / folder and get the size and its file or folder. Zero file search (QDir dir) {foreach (QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList (QDir :: NoDotAndDotDot | QDir :: Files | QDir :: AllDirs)) {if (info.isFile )) {QDebug () & lt; & Lt; Info.path () & lt; & Lt; "There is a file! Its size is:" & lt; & Lt; Info.size () & lt; & Lt; Endl; } If (info.isDir ()) {qDebug () & lt; & Lt; Info.path () & lt; & Lt; "There is a directory! Its size is:" & lt; & Lt; Info.size () & lt; & Lt; Endl; FileSearch (info.filePath ()); }} Rather than reading the entire path, I want to read only the relative path. So i...

c# - object reference not set to an instance of an object error in -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 29 जवाब मेरे पास व्यवस्थापक उपयोगकर्ता हैं जब एक बार व्यवस्थापक पर्यवेक्षक ने व्यवस्थापक द्वारा और कंप्यूटर के रूप में पदनाम पर्यवेक्षक और विभाग को जोड़ा और तब कंप्यूटर विज्ञान के रूप में पदनाम पर्यवेक्षक और विभाग बनाया। फिर जब व्यवस्थापक ने खाते को जोड़ लिया और व्यवस्थापक को जोड़ने का प्रयास किया और उसके पदनाम पर्यवेक्षक और विभाग के कंप्यूटर विज्ञान को स्थापित करने की कोशिश की तो यहां मैं त्रुटि दिखाना चाहता हूं "पदनाम पहले से मौजूद है "..क्योंकि प्रत्येक विभाग के एक पर्यवेक्षक, एक प्रबंधक और एक वरिष्ठ प्रबंधक भी हैं .... नहीं कई पर्यवेक्षकों, प्रबंधकों मैं इस एसपी और कोड की कोशिश करता हूँ .. वैकल्पिक प्रक्रिया [dbo] । [स्पैडमिंडेशिग] @ डीसीआईआईडीआईडी ​​इंट के रूप में मौजूद है (पदनाम से * चयन करें जहां desigid = @ desigid) वापस -1 और वापसी 1 और व्यवस्थापक साइनअप के लिए वैकल्पिक प्रक्रिया [डीबीओ]। [स्पैडमिनेगर] @ यूज़र नामे नवरर्चार (50), पीसव Ord nvarchar (50), @UserTypeID int, @DepID int, @DesigID int, @emailaddress ...

java - convert string to seconds -

If my hour time is more than 24 hours, how can I convert string time in seconds? My time table comes from column Ex: column name (late): time (string): 00:40:00 conversion: New SimpleDateFormat ("hh: mm: ss"). Parse ($ F {late}) GetHours () * 3600+ new Simple Format ("hh: mm: ss"). Parse ($ F {late}) getMinutes () * 60+ new simpleformformat ("hh: mm: ss"). Pars ($ F {late}}. GetSeconds (); Output: 2400 The results above are true, but the value of my field results: 31:58: 00, then my above expression is not working. Output is: 28680 28680 remaining (115080-86400) But in fact the output ' 115080. I recommend that you do this at the time of day (i.e. 31:58:00 - 24:00:00), then calculate both and sum up.

YouTube API V3 search, related videos sort order doesn't work -

When does the sequence order work when you search related videos using YouTube API V3? For example {YOUR_API_KEY} and {YOUR_API_KEY} both return the results. A bug or am I missing something? Try "order = published" (instead of "order = date") as it v2 Except that it was "sort = published"

jquery - Find parent li id from href HTML name -

मुझे मौजूदा HTML का ली आईडी मिलना है। jQuery var वर्तमान HTML = document.location.pathname.match (/ [^ \ /] + $ /) [0]; इसमें मुझे मौजूदा कोड जैसे Client.html या Vendor.html मिलेगा। वर्तमान एचटीएमएल नाम पाने के बाद, मैं वर्तमान HTML नाम की माता-पिता ली आईडी जैसे li1 या li2 प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं। उदाहरण यदि मेरा वर्तमान HTML उम्मीदवार है तो मैं माता-पिता ली आईडी (ली 4) प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। HTML & lt; ul class = "नव" & gt; & Lt; li id ​​= "li1" & gt; & lt; a href = "Client.html" & gt; क्लाइंट & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li id ​​= "li2" & gt; & lt; a href = "विक्रेता html" & gt; विक्रेता & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li id ​​= "li3" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; भर्ती & lt; / a & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li id ​​= "li4" & gt; & lt; a href = ...

perl - Error in Python Program in Subproces.Popen -

I have written the following Python program which lesk_similarity wrapper function to calculate the similarity score using Perl programs. The GetMAxSim function gives the maximum simulation score by the number of combinations from both synstes. Nltk.corpus import wordnet import subprocess def lesk_similarity (a, b) from nltk Import: cmd = [ 'perl', './'aab] proc = subprocess.Popen (cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) to line proc.stdout: If the line 'equality': equality = int (line.split ( '=') [- 1]) returns equality def getMaxSim (synsets1, synsets2): maxSim = None in synsets1 for s1: for s2 in synsets2: sim = lesk_similarity (s1, s2) maxSim == none or maxSim Charcsinest [greeting (Synced) (church) .an .01"), Srseset ( 'church. n .02 "), Sinaset (' .01 '), Sinaset (' church. n .04 ")] temple at the end of [Sinaset ( 'temple. n. 01), Sinaset (' temple. N .02"), Sinaset ( 'templ...

ios - Perform action on return key down -

How can I do an action on the press down of return key, do not press above? textFieldShouldReturn: only allows the press. Alternatively, how can I come up with the UIActivityIndicatorView one at the beginning of IBAction on the button? Even if it is called before, it is not animated until the end, and at that time, it is said to stop animating. Edit: For the second question, what happens here: - Pressed (IBAction) button: (ID) Sender { [Indicator startup]; // do stuff ... sleep (3000000) // to describe the problem, wait 3 seconds) The pointer should start animating first, but it should be Animation starts after sleep () . How can I revive it before anything else? Use UIControlEventTouchUpInside for later questions. For example ... .... [yourButton addTarget: Self-action: @electrator (for the touchupup control events): UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; - (zero) done touchup {[yourUIActivityIndicatorView Getting Started]; } Sleep () is not working because ...

bootstrap 3, Add a white close button -

I want to create a white clone button I have seen: but how to do a white button instead of black color If I add "icon-white" to class property, then it does not work ... Example: thanks I know: "white" class Add button, not "icon-white"

vim - How to see raw content of a TAR file with GVIM or VI? -

I am developing a program that creates TAR files by MTP on the fly. For this reason I want to see the "raw content" of the TAR file - and not the content extracted. It does not need to be hex view, just the content will be enough, I thought that "GVM-B" (binary) would be the trick ... but I still get file listings. My current solution is to change the file to "* .dat", to see the raw content ... but it's ugly. Additionally, on Windows, I only receive error messages "not available tar available on your system" and some Instead of showing raw content ... This is because the default TAR plugin (cp. pi_tar ) is still active and the * .tar To turn it off temporarily, launch Vim with $ VIM - CMD: "g: loaded_tarPlugin = 1" -b myFile.tar Alternatively, to stop the plugin after the start of the VIM, you can also use the following command: : au! Tar

c# - how to highlight the entire row of data in the datagridview? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मेरे पास डेटा ग्रिड दृश्य है सी # फॉर्म में जो कि एक एसक्यूएल डेटाबेस तालिका की सामग्री प्रदर्शित करता है। जब डाटाग्रिडविव्यू लोड होता है तो मैं उस पंक्ति को चाहता हूँ जिसमें हाइलाइट करने वाली वर्तमान दिनांक होती है। पहले आपको आज की तिथि वाले पंक्ति को ढूंढने के लिए: पूर्णांक तारीख कॉलम इंडेक्स = डेटाग्रिड दृश्य 1. कॉलम ["e_date"]। सूचकांक; // & lt; अपने वास्तविक दिनांक कॉलम नाम foreach (DataGridViewRow पंक्ति में DataGridView1.Rows) के साथ बदलें {if (row.Cells [dateColumnIndex]। वेल्यू डेटटाइम है) {DateTime colDate = (DateTime) row.Cells [dateColumnIndex] .Value; अगर (colDate.Date == दिनांक का समय। आज) {row.Selected = true; टूटना; }}} बस सुनिश्चित करें कि आपका DataGridView के FullRowSelect पर सेट है: डेटाग्रिड दृश्य 1। चयनमोड = डेटाग्रिड दृश्यसचणमोड.फुलरॉव चयन,

clojure - Read from a file and return output in a vector -

I'm just learning the closure and trying to read in a file and do something with the returned vector of the result . In this example I am trying to print it. Below is the code in question: (defn read_file "Read in a file from the resource directory" [input] (open with [RDR (Reader input)] ( Doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]) (defn -main [] (println (read_file "resource / input.txt"))) println returns a "zero" What should I do to return the "line"? If the file is not too large, So you use the file to read the content as a string, then make it a specific Divide into the Mankak (in this case with \ n ). (defn read-file [f] (-> (slurp f) (clojure. String / split-lines)))

C# Webapi HelpPage Request Model Customization -

I created my Web API Controllers using the Document HelpPage. I have a model in my web API. public class InfoModel {[required] Public Ent ID {get; Set; } [Required] public string title {get; Set; } Public string status {received; Set; } Public string created_at {get; Set; }} HelpPage gives InfoModel on the help page like this: {"id": 1, "title": "sample string 2" , "Condition": using the [required] attribute from "sample string 3", "created_t": "sample string 4"} and I have the [required] property properties I want to highlight. How can I customize HelpPage MVC plugin for bold " id " and " title ", so that the user knows that these attributes are REQUIRED ID ": 1, " title ": "sample string 2", Understand CSS, but for that helppace MVC [essential] are some of the signs for the attributes HTML content should be submitted to the JS / CSS could diffe...

php - Get part of the regex -

I am trying to parse an HTML page and get a specific data (with PHP). This is my regex: $ pattern = '/ class = \ "group \" & gt; * [\ N \ r] *. * [\ N \ r] *. * [\ N \ r] * * / '. Preg_match_all ($ patterns, $ theme, $ match); And that's what I'm getting (highlighted in yellow): & lt; NOBR & gt; × ?? × ?? × × × × × × ×? And × × ?? × × ?? × ?? & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "DEL104004" onClick = "UPG104004.selectedIndex = 0" & gt; & Lt; / NOBR & gt; & Lt; / TD> & Lt; TD class = "group" & gt; 22 & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD class = "points" & gt; 5.0 & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD & gt; Some text & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD & gt; AL HEIF = "" class = "mk" & gt; 104004 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR ALIGN = Wright BGCOL...

android - How to parse json data -

I'm very new to getting JSON data from the web, so I'm a bit confused here how to get this JSON data in Android Do: I'm getting an error in Jasonoon. Like it in the log cat. 02-16 21: 31: 25.093: W / System System. Er (22428): org.json.JSONException: value {"3": {"ID": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf"}, "9": {"id": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf "": "8": {"id": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf"}, "7": {"id": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf"}, "6": {"id "": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf"}, "5": {"id": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf"}, "4": {"id": 1172, "title": "dsfsdf "}} Type of data can not be translated into org.json.JSONObject JSONArray 02-16 21: 31: 25.133: W / Systems. Er (22428): at org.json.JSON.typeMismatch ( 10...

mysql query doesn't work inside a stored procedure -

यह मेरी संग्रहीत कार्यविधि है: सेट करें DEFINER = `root` @` localhost` प्रक्रिया `isUserValid` (IN 'facebookId` VARCHAR (20), IN' userAccessToken 'पाठ) कोई SQL टिप्पणी' जांचें कि उपयोगकर्ता वैध है या नहीं। सही या गलत वापसी करें 'शुरू करें / चुनें * चुनें resluts चर * / घोषणा का उपयोग करेंटेकन पाठ; घोषित करें दिन-समय की समाप्ति; / * सहेजे गए उपयोगकर्ता के एक्सेस टोकन के साथ चर को भरने का समय समाप्त करें * / Access_Token का चयन करें, एक्सेसटोकन में समाप्त होता है, उपयोगकर्ता से समाप्त हो जाता है जहां Facebook_Id = facebookId; का चयन समाप्त हो, accessToken; / * अगर सहेजा प्रवेश टोकन और समाप्त हो जाती है तो वैध वापसी सही है / / (यदि बिनरी एक्सेसटोकन = यूज़रएफ्टटोकन और एंड्रायड & gt; अब ()) तो के रूप में सच है चुनेंउपयोगकर्ता; अन्य के रूप में गलत का चयन करेंउपयोगकर्ता; अगर अंत; किसी कारण के लिए क्वेरी: / * सहेजा गया उपयोगकर्ता की पहुँच टोकन के साथ चर का समय समाप्त हो गया है * / Access_Token का चयन करें, एक्सेसटोकन में समाप्त हो गया है, उपयोगकर्ता से समाप...

Google webmaster tools site verification file in web2py? -

To verify your site on Google Webmaster Tools, you should download a verification file and upload it to your site To upload: Where should I put this file in the Web 2 py directory structure? I have a single web2py app that is served on Note: I am using pattern based routing. I'm open to a better way, but I added a static folder and a path_in entry to the file: route_in = (... ('/google1234a1ab1234a123.html', 'r / my_app / static / google1234a1ab1234a123.html'), ...) And now it is working.

php - Push parts of associative array into another -

I'm thinking how to push some parts of an associative array into another array as a result of the forehead loop. (forex) $ {foreach ($ $ $ result as product) {$ liveArray = $ product ['prodid'] ['title'] ['unit' ]; InsertData ($ dbh, $ product); }} While (! Blank ($ rules)); // The last element is found on the page, the loop prevents $ foreach loop after the product array: array (5) {[ "Prodid"] = & gt; String (6) "123456" ["title"] = & gt; String (29) "Test item 1" ["Unit"] = & gt; String (4) "100pk" ["price"] = & gt; String (4) "10.99" ["Bispris"] = & gt; String (4) "11.99"} I only want ['prodid'], ['title'] and ['unit'] array and added in $ liveArray. Results in something like this: array (1) {[0] = & gt; Array (5) {["prodid"] = & gt; String (6) "123456" ["title...

css3 - Can I use only numbers for naming a CSS class -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं जानना चाहता हूँ कि क्या संख्याएं (केवल) का उपयोग सीएसएस वर्ग के नाम के लिए किया जा सकता है क्या यह मान्य है? .2 {डिस्प्ले: ब्लॉक; } नहीं, यह मान्य नहीं है लेकिन अधिक महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य यह है कि आपको कक्षाओं को किसी अर्थ के साथ परिभाषित नहीं करना चाहिए, क्योंकि अर्थिक मार्कअप लिखते समय किसी भी प्रकार की समझ नहीं होती है। CSS1 में, एक वर्ग का नाम शुरू हो सकता है एक अंक (".5,5 फुट"), जब तक कि यह आयाम नहीं होता (".55in")। सीएसएस 2 में, ऐसे वर्गों को अज्ञात आयाम (नई इकाइयों के भविष्य के परिवर्धन की अनुमति देने के लिए) के रूप में पार्स किया जाता है, "2x" एक मान्य वर्ग बनाने के लिए, सीएसएस 2 को "अंक। 32x" [2x] / ब्लॉकक्वाइट>

python - Cython for several .pyx -

I would like to do a fast cyanonic code for .pyx Cython.Build If I want to create a silent Many files with XP, which I will call by their name .pyx files in all folders In both cases what would be the Python code for That I will call distutils.core from their distutils by import setup from their name. Extension import extension from Cython.Distutils import_extext_modules = [Extensions ("prime number", ["primes.pyx"]), extension ("spam", ["spam.pyx"]), ...] Setup (name = 'MyProject', cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}, ext_modules = ext_modules,) #in all .pyx one Files Distthils.core Import Setup Folder from Cython. Import cythonize setup (name = 'MyProject', ext_mod Ules = cythonize (["*. Pyx"]),)

python - Add sqlalchemy library to google app engine in pycharm -

मेरे पास sqlalchemy को gae में निम्नलिखित प्रश्न हैं। मैं Pycharm से एकीकृत Google ऐप इंजन SDK का उपयोग कर रहा हूं I sqlalchemy के एकीकरण को छोड़कर, सबकुछ ठीक काम करती है डेटाबेस स्वयं ठीक काम करता है अगर मैं इसे पायथन इंटरप्रेटर के साथ डिबग करता हूं लेकिन जब मैं इसे Google ऐप इंजिन के साथ चलाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं तो मुझे स्केलैल्की लाइब्रेरी के आयात के साथ परेशानियां मिल रही हैं I मैंने पहले से ही आभासी नेम के साथ हल करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन यह या तो काम नहीं कर रहा है। यहां मेरा आउटपुट लॉग है: पाइदेव डीबगर से कनेक्ट (131.618 बिल्ड करें) चेतावनी 2014-02-17 10: 58: 22,887 एपीआई सर्वर .py: 331] छवियां एपीआई प्रारंभ नहीं कर सका; आप संभवत: पायथन "पीआईएल" मॉड्यूल में अनुपलब्ध हैं। चेतावनी 2014-02-17 10: 58: 22,895] c: \ users \ user \ appdata \ स्थानीय \ temp \ appengine.test \ search_indexes INFO 2014-02-17 10: 58: 22, 9 47 एपीआई_एसरवर.py:138] एपीआई सर्वर शुरू करने पर: लोकलहोस्ट: 60878 INFO 2014 -02-17 10: 58: 22,994 dispatc...

matlab - libsvm with precomputed kernel: How do I compute the classification scores? -

I am working with libsvm in MATLAB and a 1-vs all SVM in the precompiled non-linear kernels. I'm a bit new to SVM and I'm trying to calculate the function function. I know that for a linear SVM, we can get (according to libsvm documentation) accordingly: w = model sv_coef '* model.SVs; We can then calculate decision values: w '* x and later , Can be guessed, labeling, where is there is some limit; signature (w '* x + b) . I am particularly interested in getting the classification scores from my non-linear kernel. How can I go about this? I'm trying to understand what you mean by the classification score Compare the possibility, and choose the largest one, as I did in you If you are using function function, then it is also fine. Suppose you are using RBF kernel, and model.Label (1) = 1 , then you have (if model.Label (1) = -1 , Then w = -w; b = -b; ) [m, n] = size (model.SVs); % M is the number of support vectors, ... and the number ...

android - Google Play services out of date. Requires 4242000 but found 4132534 -

I updated my version of Google Play services in Android SDK Manager and even Google Play for froyo The services have been downloaded but I still have this on my lockback. I am trying to add my app to Google + to get user information. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance. Please follow these useful steps: Use Try running on the device. Update any Google-Play app on your device.

windows - The system cannot find the file specified in bash -

I am trying to run SIFT descriptor in Windows, there are a large number of files, so instead of running one I am trying to run for all the files in a directory. I am using the following command: siftwin32 gt;% ~ ni.key` siftwin32 is a binary executable file and it exists in the folder. I am in the current directory I use the dir to see if it exists and it is listed. But when I run the command, I am saying the error that the system can not locate the specified file. How to give the path in command? The command is failing because it can not get siftwin32; This is failing because it can not find the .pgm file for redirection. % i variable already has a .pgm extension, so it fails when you add a second extension.% I In (* .pgm) for siftWin32 & lt; "% I" & gt; "% ~ Ni.key"

JQUERY Datatable PageIndex change event -

Guys, I'm just a newbie for jquery datatable which gave me a terrific jquery plugin. So I was trying to integrate it with NAT and obviously because I was changing pageend or page index was converted to datat. But unfortunately I could not find anything like this. So is there an event for this page that changes the page index? I tried to force the page event to be dated. But this only works when I click on the previous or next button, clicking on page numbers did not work. Requesting your support Thanks in advance The Funndra Callback Event Every 'Draw' Event, therefore when one page index has changed. $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# example'). DataTable ({"fnDrawCallback": function (OSettings) {Warning ('Databatel reproduces the table Done ');}}})});

c# - Japanese characters Encoding Issues -

I am using a third party OCR library in which an image file has been converted to a text file in Japanese characters . When I open it by double clicking, the text file looks ok, but when I load it in the text box using code below it becomes strange this. Textbox1.Text = file. Read all text (outpath); Read Now can take encoding as a text parameter. For a Japanese file you might use: this.textBox1.Text = File.ReadAllText (Outpath, Encoding.Unicode); If your file is encoded in UTF 8: this.textbox1.Text = file.ReadAllText (Outpath, Encoding.UTF8); Hope this helps, Sylvain

android - Google play services simple chat implementation? -

I'm looking to create an extremely simple chat feature for my app. I just want to send a message to the opponent in my turn-based multiplayer match. I do not want to use libraries like scorpio and do you have any way of implementing it? I have tried to use the games. Realtime Multiplayer SendLevel Message () But my players are not in the room, so it does not work. In the search of the API it appears that the only way to send data is to callTurn To take a turn, use this method: Method Description Lieutenant () Your game should only invoke this method after applying this method to the active turn-based match of the user, the user sees this match under their turn list in the list of matches in the UI is. If a participant ID is specified in the method call, that partner becomes the current player and can run a turn. This is the first time with an inviting player, the player receives an invitation notification, after that, the player receives a turn notification if an...

In wordpress how to get post pecific image gallery for single post? -

I'm new to WordPress and have a very basic knowledge of php. I have created a post and in a specific post I want to show the details of the post in the gallery related to that product and other section in one section. I have added a couple of images to the gallery for some special posts in which the image and description are included. I should show a specific post in a specific page in a specific page in a section and the picture with the featured picture in the description Should be shown in the section. I think that when you say gallery, you mean the featured image of the post. So, to get that image, this can be a way ID)):? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php $ image = wp_get_attachment_image_src (get_post_thumbnail_id ($ post- & gt; ID), 'single post thumbnail'); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php ek $ image [0]; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php endif; ? & Gt; I hope this helps!

android - close popup window with same button -

I want to close the popup window with the same button, from which it opens, when I re-popup that button Click on the window should be closed. And when I click on the back button I still want to clear the window. Can anyone help me in this issue? Thank you .. Here is my code, ivmainmenu.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {@Override Click Public Zero (see V) {// TODO automatically generated Method Stub Layout Inflight Layout Infographic = (Layout Inflator) getBaseContext () .getSystemService (LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); See Popupview = flat (R. Layopopwindo, blank); Last popup window popup window = new popup window (popupview, layout parama.philpaint, layout perm. WRAP_CONTENT); Popup window.shoedropropdown (ivmainmenu, 150,14); Popup Window.setOutsideTouchable (true); TextView TVPopupwork = (TextView) popupview (; TextView TVPopupBoot = (TextView) popupviewFindvbupupababout (RID. TextView tvpopupservices = (TextView) popupView.findViewById...

php - Notice:Undefined index error -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 22 उत्तर मुझे यह त्रुटि मिल रही है : नोटिस: अपरिभाषित सूचकांक: सी: \ wamp \ www \ var \ SAS \ ​​insert.php पंक्ति 12 पर प्रॉस्पेक्टनाव यहां कोड है & lt; form action = "#" method = "POST" वर्ग = 'फॉर्म-क्षैतिज रूप-बोर्डर्ड' & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "नियंत्रण-समूह" & gt; & Lt; लेबल = "प्रॉस्पेक्टमेन" वर्ग = "नियंत्रण-लेबल" & gt; प्रॉस्पेक्ट नाम & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "नियंत्रण" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "प्रॉस्पेक्टname" id = "प्रॉस्पेक्टname" प्लेसहोल्डर = "प्रॉस्पेक्टname" वर्ग = "इनपुट-एक्सलर्ज" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "नियंत्रण-समूह" & gt; & Lt; लेबल = "स्थिति" वर्ग = "नियंत्रण-लेबल" & gt; स्थिति & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; / div ...

ruby on rails - devise confirmation_url in HTTPS -

My website is completely SSL, so I would also like to generate the URL generated by devise (3.2.2) for e-mail verification It may be that https: // .... is currently generated by the URL: confirmation_url (@resource,: confirmation_token = & Gt;; @ token) which produces good URL: = ZqfHS35ckLQZscSbsgMm I should be url this Apart from this, email verification is currently not working, as NGX operates a redirect for every page equivalent https , and for some reasons the things get messed up and https The version is a corrupt URL, such as: nginx redirects to this corrupted URL for some reasons, so unicorn requests are not rejected can do. Any clues? You can either specify the protocol in the em...

numpy - Fast inverse and transpose matrix in Python -

मेरे पास एक बड़ा मैट्रिक्स ए आकृति का (n, n, 3, 3 ) के साथ n के बारे में 5000 है। अब मुझे मैट्रिक्स a : व्युत्क्रम और स्थानांतरित करना चाहते हैं: numpy as np a = np.random.rand (1000, 1000, 3, 3) पहचान = एनपी। निवासी (3, dtype = A.dtype) Ainv = np.zeros_like (ए) एट्रांस = np.zeros_like (ए) के लिए मैं रेंज (1000) में: सीमा के लिए जी में (1000): ऐन्विन [i, j ] = Np.linalg.solve (ए [i, j], पहचान) एट्रांस [i, j] = np.transpose (ए [i, j]) क्या कोई तेज़ है , यह करने के लिए अधिक कुशल तरीका है? यह मेरा एक प्रोजेक्ट से लिया जाता है, जहां मैं भी करता हूं Vexized रैखिक बीजगणित कई 3x3 मैट्रिक्स पर। ध्यान दें कि केवल 3 से अधिक एक लूप है; N पर लूप नहीं है, इसलिए महत्वपूर्ण आयामों में कोड को सदिश किया गया है। मैं यह कैसे C / numba एक्सटेंशन की तुलना में एक ही बात करने के लिए तुलना करने के लिए ज़मानत नहीं करना चाहता, हालांकि, प्रदर्शन के आधार पर। यह काफी तेजी से अभी भी होने की संभावना है, लेकिन कम से कम यह पानी से बाहर n पर छोरों को उड़ाता है। def adjoint (ए): "" ...

java - Is File instance thread safe? -

I've read that new file ("path") does not physically make a file on disk is . Although it is said in the API: Examples of this class may or may not be an actual file-system object such as a file or directory. If such an object specifies, that object remains in a partition. A partition is a operating system-specific part of storage for a file system, a single storage device (eg a physical disk-drive, flash memory, CD-ROM) can have multiple partitions So I'm curious if such a code is safe in a multithrred environment: file file = new file (""); // Take some action with file (fill it with content) (anywhere); // Simply show that I save it after a number of tasks For example, Thread 1 comes here, creates an example and is starting to work Meanwhile, In thread 2, it is interrupted, the example makes by the same name ( and performs some other operations. After that he saved the file. I need to make sure that they...

c# - change cells with range.replace -

Well I have a small program in which all Excel cells are replaced by = 'C: \, But I have a problem. I use the range to do this. Location, but my program is wrong, because it does not change in all the cells = 'C: \, only find it first and I do not know the reason. My code is: foreach (Excel.Worksheet sheet xlWorkBook.Sheets) {string sheetName = sheet.Name; Console.WriteLine (SHEETNAME); // Sealication Rango Active Category = Sheet Uszd range; // Lear Las Caldes et Rows = Category Ro.kount; Int cols = range.Column.Count; // excel Start Seal = Sheet. Call [1, 1]; //Excel.Range endCell = sheet.Cells [rows, cols]; Sheet. Category ["A1: J000"]. Change (@ "= 'C: \", @ "=' T: \"); // Category = Sheet Range used; // Lier Las Caldas // Int Rows = Range. Ro.kount; // int cols = range.Column.Count; //} // liberalization release object (sheet); } You need to have another foreach selected Every cell in the category I have no way to te... - Handling connection loss on FileSystemWatcher -

I have an error handler so that when the network connection falls, it checks that the connection has been restored And then again FileSystemWatcher starts to do this, I currently run this code: Sub-Disturb (byVal source as the object, ByVal and like _ System.IO.ErrorEventArgs). .BalloonTipText = "Connection to folder is lost" Me.NotifyIcon1. BalloonTipTitle = "Connection Lost" Me.NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip (6000) Dir ("\\ My \ Path", vb directory) & lt; & Gt; VbNullString application.DoEvents () loop watchfolder = nothing. Notification Icon1 Bulunipt Icon = ToolTipIcon.Info Me.NotifyIcon1 BULLANTIP TEXT = "try re-connection" me.NotifyIcon1. BalloonTipTitle = "Trying to reconnect in folder" Me.NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip (6000) checkItem () last sub I expected as long as ... loop will work to check that the connection is working again, but it does not look like this and so this is the rest of the code (first shows to...

extjs - Display a different text in Legend -

This version is about 4.2.2. We have such a chart var store = '', {fields: ['name', 'data'], data: [{'name': 'metric one', 'data': 10}, {'name': ' Metric two ',' data ': 27}]}); Extension. ('Ext.chart.Chart', {renderTo: Ext.getBody ()), width: 500, height: 300, animate: true, store: archive, legend: {status: 'right'}, axis: [{type : 'Numeric', position: 'left', field: ['data'], label: {renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer ('0,0')}, Title: 'Sample Value', Grid: [ {Type: 'column', axis: true, minimum: 0}, {type: 'category', position: 'bottom', fields: ['name'], title: 'sample metrics'}], series:' Left Highlight: true, suggestion: {trackmouse: true, width: 140, height: 28, renderer: function (store item, item) {this.setTitle (storeItem.get ('name') + ':' + storeItem ('Dat...

html - Different result on desktop and iPhone -

I have two snapshots: (desktop) and (iPhone 5). I do not know what to do for the same structure in both, because you can see below paragraph "An overaortamento más ..." .. Here's the site: This is the code of the paragraph: p {line-height: 21px; Font-size: 15px; Font style: normal; Padding-right: 45px; } I believe there are a lot of answers to your question. : .der Add the following CSS to the element: main main section. Arojons .der {Float: Correct; Width: 50%; } then delete the margin-left property from .izq and add it to .bocadillo > And ul : main main section. Kings .izq {float: left; Width: 50%; } Main main section Rayzones Isaac. Bocadillo, main main section. Rayzones Isaac al [margin-right: 40px; }

html - How can I iframe a website such that popups do not happen? -

मैं एम्बेड करना चाहता हूं http: // एक iframe में हालांकि, उस साइट में कई पॉपअप उत्पन्न होते हैं मैं उस आइफ्रेम में रखना चाहता हूं, जैसे कोई पॉपअप नहीं होता। क्या यह संभव है ... यह एक तीसरा पक्ष डोमेन है और मेरा इस पर कोई नियंत्रण नहीं है। जोड़ें Iframe पर एक सैंडबॉक्स विशेषता (नोट:)। & lt; iframe ... sandbox = "" & gt; इसे एक खाली स्ट्रिंग के रूप में छोड़कर अधिकांश सुविधाओं को अक्षम कर देगा, आप चुनिंदा स्वीकार्य विशेषताओं की एक अलग से अलग सूची का उपयोग करके उन्हें जोड़ सकते हैं उपलब्ध सुविधाओं के लिए देखें। आप उस सूची में अनुमति-पॉपअप को शामिल नहीं करना चाहते हैं। फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स अनुमति-पॉपअप का समर्थन नहीं करता है, इसलिए आप अनुमति-स्क्रिप्ट या तो नहीं चाहेंगे।

c++ - how to fill color into image, by considering small matrix size 3*3 or 6*6? in opencv -

Considering the small matrix of 3 * 3, how can I fill the necessary picture color of type, But the correct answer could not be found to apply, I hope thanks in advance, or people can help better, otherwise if possible, upload some links. What type of VAT can I fill the required image? If you want to change the value of mat image, you can do it as follows: grayscale ( 8UC1 ): uchar intensity = & lt; Uchar & gt; (Y, x) = value_you_want_to_fill; Color image (the default format given by BGR color sequence, imread ):

javascript - Problems sending data from ClientSide to ServerSide in ASP.NET MVC 5 using Google Chrome -

I have an MVC5 application that works fine by using Internet Explorer, but when I use Google Chrome I try, I get an error, and only say "error". Here is my javascript code: var priv = 0; If ($ ("$ EsPrivado") is. (":" Has been checked)) {Private = 1; } $ .ajax ({type: "post", url: "/ ticket / guard", data: "{'RutEmpresa': '' + $ (" # RutEmpresa "). Val () +" ', "+" ('# CPID'): "+ $ (" # CPID "). Val () +", "+" 'ContactId': "+ $ (" # contactoID "). Val () +", "+ "'AreaEmpresaID':" + $ ("# AreaEmpresaID"). Val () + "," + "'Tipovideo':" + $ ("# TipoEventoID"). Val () + "," + "'FechaInicio' : '' $ ("#FechaInicio"). Val () + "'," + "' Descripcion ':' '$ (" # Descripcion...

java - Connect to SQL with JApplet -

I am trying to connect to a SQL database using a JAplet. However, I get a security exception : com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to the underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java .net .SocketException Message: "forbidden access" ("" "" "Connect Hull") StackTrace: .AccessControlException: denied access (com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.unwrapExceptionToProperClassAndThrowIt ( "" on com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect "" " Connect, solve ") (StandardSocketFactory. Java: 268) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO & lt; Init & gt; (MysqlIO.javaociety71) com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.createNewIO ( at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection at .. & Lt; I...

c++ - How to change string in multimap -

मेरे पास बहुमूल्य है: multimap & lt; स्ट्रिंग, वेक्टर & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; & Gt; myMultimap; और मुझे उस मल्टीमैप के हिस्से में स्ट्रिंग बदलने की आवश्यकता है जो पहले से ही बनाई गई है। इसे- & gt; पहली = नई स्ट्रिंग; काम नहीं करता .... यदि आपको उस कुंजी के साथ सभी तत्वों की चाबियाँ "बदल" करने की आवश्यकता है: टेम्पलेट & lt; typename key, typename ValueType, typename तुलना करें, typename allocator, typename की, टाइपनाम से टू & gt; ऑटो change_key (std :: multimap & lt; कुंजी, वैल्यू टाइप, तुलना, आवंटन & gt; एंड एम, से ककी कॉन्स्ट एंड amp; from_raw, Tokey const और amp; to_raw) - & gt; Typename std :: multimap & lt; कुंजी, मान टाईप, तुलना, आवंटन & gt; :: इटरेटर {कुंजी संधि & amp; से = to_raw; // केवल एक बार कन्वर्ट, प्रत्येक चलना में नहीं मुख्य const & amp; के लिए = to_raw; ऑटो संकेत = m.lower_bound (to); ऑटो const itsFrom = m.equal_range (से); के लिए (स्वतः कर = itsFrom.first; cur! = ItsFrom.second; ++ cur...

c# - Asp.Net Web Api Versioning with Load Balancer (Layer 4) -

I am currently in charge of the development of a complex complex restore API with Net and Web APIs. The interface will later be consumed by various public and private (at home) customers. I read a lot about my API, but the opinion seems very different. The application runs behind load balancer in a multi server environment. Now my problem is, the load balancer is strictly restricted and only supports layer 4 load balancing, so to inspect the URL / headers etc. of incoming requests, they have to route the correct version of the application. I'm not able to. We do not want to update the API controllers in our code base because we have many external dependencies that should be updated frequently, so we can break some functionality. At present, this is the solution to using a subdomain for only one example, e.g. Is there anything against this approach, do you have other ideas? The issue with that variant approach is that there will be duplicat...

c# - Creating a Linq group by query -

// SELECT table1.GG_ITEM, sum (table1.REM_QTY) के रूप में SumPerGG_ITEM // तालिका 1 // WHERE ( Table1.SUGG_DOCK_DATE नल नहीं है) // ग्रुप द्वारा तालिका 1। जीजीआईआईटीएटी // आदेश द्वारा तालिका 1। जीजी_आइट; Var try1 = (db2.Dumps में पंक्ति से नया चुनें {type1 = row.GA_ITEM, Type2 = row.REM_QTY}); Debug.Print ( "::::: try1 :::::"); फोरेश (try1 में var पंक्ति) {Debug.Print (row.Type1.ToString ()); Debug.Print (row.Type2.ToString ()); } Var try2 = (पंक्ति से db2 में। डंप समूह पंक्ति पंक्ति में .GA_ITEM जी में नया चुनें {Type1 = g.Key, Type2 = g.ToList ()}); Debug.Print ( ":::: try2 :::::"); फोरेश (ट्रिप 2 में विविध पंक्ति) {Debug.Print (पंक्ति.Type1.ToString ()); Debug.Print (row.Type2.ToString ()); } मैं एक एक्सेस SQL ​​क्वेरी को Linq में परिवर्तित कर रहा हूँ। मैं अपने टेबल डंप से चयन कर रहा हूँ दो कॉलम GA_ITEM और REM_QTY है। मेरा try1 ठीक काम कर रहा है और मैं देखता हूं कि दोनों कॉलम की सामग्री मुद्रित होती है। मेरा try1 अभी तक एक्सेस एसक्यूएल क्वेरी की क...

javascript - Can Dart manipulate HTML elements in other windows? -

Then I have an embedded dirt app in a page and it opens another window in which only one with HTML / JS The first page is. I was trying to get information in the page and was trying to display it from inside the dart, roughly like: Var div = querySelector ("# div_id"); Div.text = "My Message"; I tried different forms with different types of elements, but no luck. Finally, I just wrote the display code on the child window HTML in JS and passed the information in using a query string. So my question is: can Dart manipulate another page if that page does not include dart.js and other stuff? Or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks for any information. If you create a new window using the () method, then you will see a windowobject object Can take back You can dig into a new window dom using this reference. See for more information

java - org.json.simple: Why does JSONParser.parse() return an Object and not a JSONObject? -

Just for curiosity, why is it simple- JSON parser does not return JSONObject? After checking the code, I hit me: many parsers like JSONParser, a recursive function that gives them the nodes and sub-branches of the tree, it makes them. During pars, the return value can be a JSON string, number, array, or object, so the broad base type (object) should be used for return type.

sql - Update with NULL columns in oracle -

मेरे पास यह तालिका है मात्रा | प्रतिक्रिया | महीना | वर्ष | नाम __________________________________________ 2365 'रिस्पांस 1' 3 2014 (रिक्त) 1420 'रिस्पांस 2' 3 2014 'नेम 1' 2365 'रिस्पांस 1' 3 2014 (रिक्त) 750 (रिक्त) 3 2014 'नाम 2' 65 (रिक्त) 3 2014 (रिक्त) मैं एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि में इस अद्यतन को चला रहा हूं अद्यतन तालिका 1 सेट मात्रा = q, प्रतिक्रिया = resp, महीना = महीना, वर्ष = वर्ष, नाम = नास्क्रीन जहां महीना = महीनाव और वर्ष = वर्ष और उत्तर = resp और नाम = नास्क्रीन; रिक्त मान वाले स्तंभ अपडेट नहीं हो रहे हैं मात्रा | प्रतिक्रिया | महीना | वर्ष | नाम __________________________________________ 2365 'रिस्पांस 1' 3 2014 (रिक्त) 1500 'प्रतिसाद 2' 3 2014 'नाम 1' 2365 'रिस्पांस 1' 3 2014 (रिक्त) 750 (रिक्त) 3 2014 'नाम 2' 65 (रिक्त) 3 2014 (रिक्त) मैं इसे कैसे हल कर सकता हूं? यह आपके प्रश्न से स्पष्ट नहीं है आपको लगता है कि इन पंक्तियों को अद्यतन किया जाना चाहिए, लेकिन NULL म...

How can I connect to a SFTP server using the "Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime" Eclipse plugin and a .pem private key? -

I am trying to use eclipse as a remote editor, the files I want to edit One is on the SFTP server, which I usually connect to using a personal (this is a node). Have I read that eclipse has basically supported FTP and SSH? How do I configure it to connect to SFTP using the private .pem key? I do not have a password because I am proving my identity with personal identification Pem is key, so when I enter SSH in the server without entering any password Attempt: this Complains: any Even thoughts? You must add your private key to the following configuration window: You may then be able to connect to the SFTP server (when password Leave blank or enter any random password, private key will be used to connect anyway) and remote editing in Eclipse: